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Rhynu Hez Sigma711
A man keen on coding. A cofounder of @InfraSail. A fan of C, C++, Go, Rust and server-end & database technique.

@Baidu @taichi-dev @InfraSail @TranswarpCN Arlington, Virginia, U.S.

Müslüm Barış Korkmazer babico
Atılım University

NGX Storage Ankara

Mark Chang Mark1002


Josh Lee joshleecreates
Proponent of empowerment through accessible technology, open source software, and sustainable business practices. Open Source Developer Advocate @Altinity

@Altinity Northeast US

Pratik Raj Rajpratik71 , Linux @Semicode-OS , Virtualization , Networking , Cloud , Telecom, Stroage, Security & Observability (Monitoring,Logging)

@IBM Pune

Daniel Rosehill danielrosehill
Exploring how LLMs & humans collaborate to generate ideas & knowledge. Building a knowledge management system for AI-first workflows with a focus on output mgmt

DSR Holdings Jerusalem

Aleksandr Kirillov AlexandrSergei4
Java/Kotlin/Android developer
Yaroslav Bezruchenko Zeppier
Platform Architect at @intempt


Debabrata pattnayak debaa98
developer india

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Martin Montes mmontes11
@mariadb-operator Maintainer 🦭 Kubernetes ☁️ Go

@mariadb-corporation Spain

이준헌 leejoonhun

@qraft-technologies Seoul, Republic of Korea

Alberto Llamas albertollamaso
DevOps & AI Engineer

Milky Way

0x627832 bx2
Window cleaning me!




Henrique Goncalves kamushadenes
Security Specialist and Enterpreneur

@Altinity @papirocloud @tesmustech

Harsh Patel theharshpat
founding eng at @leeninc, cofounder @papertalk-io


RAVIKIRAN ravikiranpns
A passionate Software Engineer | C | C++ | Go | Java | Python | JavaScript | Networking | Security | Open Source.

@PayPal | @EXFO | @Cygilant | @Verifone | @OpticalFusion Pune | Hyderabad | Bengluru

BaojiaYang Baojia-Yang
INSPIRED BY KOBE. Those times when you get up early, you work hard...That is actually the dream.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai