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Theoreu theoreu
Formal Verification / Security Researcher


TheRealinvisible BigGod12
Just because it has not been hacked yet does not mean its unhackable..there is always a flow, you just don`t look long enough
Jiefeng Li jf-li00

Huazhong University Of Science and Technology Wuhan, Hubei, China

gd 0x3f97
pwn sleep eat
Mojtaba Eshghie mojtaba-eshghie
PhD Student @ KTH Royal Institute of Technology

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm

0xParsa | Σ🧠Ξ ParsaAminpour
Web3 developer and security researcher

My setup e2-pawn

Jani Anttonen JaniAnttonen
p2p stuf & applied crypto interest me

@AradoLabs Turku, Finland

jist george0st
The architect with an overlap into development and analysis. "Almost everything is possible, it's just a matter of time⌚, resources💰 and quality⭐"

Europe, Prague

Maryem Hadj Wannes MaryemHadjWannes
Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V virtuoso with a dash of Ctrl+Commit charm. 🚀🤓

Ecole Nationale d'ingénieurs de Sousse Tunisia

Steven Jung jungs1

CodeIntegrity Seattle

Q7 LeoQ7
AI + Security | CTFer at Nu1L Shanghai

Nick Ochiel nochiel
Why write poetry for humans, when I can instead write code for machines? npub1f3plgr8hr7xqf22jwzgrvdghahqlp98jklzwrjrmvrzpnfvq25js4xzznz
Filippo Fantinato FilippoFantinato
Computer Science student at UniPD

Venice, Italy

Fausto Carvalho Marques Silva faustocarva
Software Engineer

Brazilian Public Prosecutor's Office Brasilia, Brazil

Daniel Zarifpour zarifpour

@layer3xyz New York, NY

Web3 Architect @Kredeum

Kredeum Rennes, France

Julius Raynaldi jraynaldi3
Smart Contract Security Auditor, currently freelancing at various web3 audit platform. Actively competing in Certora Formal Verification Contest.


Paulo Vidal vidalpaul
Blockchain Developer @ Celfocus

Celfocus Lisbon, Portugal

BubblyOrca BubblyOrca
"Every living being has its own methods for sensing and understanding the world." | DJ & Data Scientist #WhySoBias

Rektify AI Dubai

Security.eth EthSecurity1
Solidity security researcher
0x0918 0x0918
Web3 Security | Smart Contract Audit


Dhruv Malik dhruvmalik007
buildL / consultant for web3 , generative AI and security auditor

Frontier-tech Europe

Sergio scab24
Co-Founder at Zealynx Security | Web3 Security Researcher | Blockchain Developer | ========================= Formal Verification | Fuzz | Rust |
Ehsan IAmS4n

Earth, Solar System