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FMH (@gema_naranyala) naranyala
flutter widgets // tauri leptos-tailwind // axum leptos-tailwind


Máximo Fernández Riera maximofernandezriera
I am a Teacher and instructor in Computing with over 10 years of experience helping students learn how to develop their own programs, webs and apps.

CIFP Francesc de Borja Moll Mallorca, Spain

Paul paulbrzeski
Founder and Co-Owner of @OpenStudiosCo

Open Studios Earth (allegedly)

Stephanie Nadeau LaunchedBerry07
Professional Language Practitioner & Hobbyist Programmer

Freelancer Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Abdelhak Oussaid BuLLHACK
Turning food into code since 2009

Tecurge Algeria

Dmitri Chudinov dimmus
Professional C-developer. EFL and Enlightenment enthusiast.

@iritur Russia, Siberia

David Chaves dac

Vancouver, BC, Canada

I love the computer sciences, maths and all sciences.


Stéphane Bouët sbouet
#LBAO La boîte à octets Ancien informaticien en conversion à la culture et aux arts.


Khush Vasudeo Patil AssassinK786
A passionate IoT,Embedded developer and Cybersecurity Intern from India


Antouan Anguelov antouanbg
Father x4, Dr. Eng. in AI, REEM, ITC and tech entrepreneur. Creator of a patent model for data communication #2789U1 at Bulgarian Patent Registry.

Novacom Group. Sofia, Bulgaria

Programmer, datahoarder, proud Canadian, not a baguette | Support Ukraine:

igloo land™