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mryoshi mryoshiofficial
🌭hot dog man 🤯
Levi Lekuruu
Quarter-time backend developer


Vimdo Vimd0
The one & only
morgana morgana-x
Coding (awfully) with passion at 3am 😔 Discord @morgana.x


Longhorn minguinmyoui
Uhm... uhh... well...
Galaxy Modz GalaxyModzDev
Hi | Software & Game Dev

@Kalion-Studios A Galaxy that is Modded

Xronin xronin01


Stvk imension oong819
An hobbyist Android app developer who strive for user freedom. Phones are computer too!

Không Việt Nam

Vincent wu-vincent
PhD student at Imperial College London, Founder of @Nukkit, Project Lead of @EndstoneMC

Imperial College London London, United Kingdom

Aires airesdev
Currently doing something i guess


FuxkLinus qqdasb

@LegacyMinecraftPE Internet

WonderfulLibrarian emoreisgrow
learning assembly know swift,C#,lua,javascript
André Guilherme Wolf3s
A game developer/engine programmer from brazil ;)


lily celeste newton TheAwesome98-Real
dani if he was free software developer and also if he was a hot girl with massive boobies

Aberdeen, Scotland

22 y/o - A diehard computer nerd by heart, an advocate for human rights by cause, and a content creator for fun.


Andrew Lee Alee14
Programmer, Linux user

Montreal, Quebec

HeroFluxx HeroFluxx
I'm a programming enthusiast focusing on C++. I love messing around with neat and cool stuff.


Matty Mattyelele
Just some guy who wants to learn to code


Larson T. Lrs121
Migrating back to selfhosted git.


leap123 leap0x7b
15yo, autistic, indonesian


Talon Kettuso TalonFloof
I code things (poorly)

why do ppl say they use arch, the only time using linux is special is if you build it from scratch :3