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Ryan Walker astrorya
Astrophysicist and physicist who loves to code.

Argonne National Laboratory Lemont

Karthik Prabhu Karthikprabhu22
PhD candidate in cosmology at UC Davis

Davis, CA

J. Bezerra-Sobrinho JeremiasBezerra
Master's student in theoretical physics. My current research centers on analyzing the anisotropies of the CMB and its relationship with modified gravitation.

UFRN - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Brasil

John C. Hood II JohnChood2

University of Chicago Chicago, IL

Alexandra Rahlin arahlin
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago


Florian Kéruzoré fkeruzore
Galaxy cluster cosmologist @ArgonneCPAC

Argonne National Laboratory Chicago, IL, USA

Kevin Zagorski zigzag414
space r&d, reformed rocketeer

Los Angeles, CA