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Wiseman Lim WisemanLim

Wise Science Inc. Seoul

Sohail Hosseini shosseini811
PhD in Electrical Engineering

Cleveland, OH

andzhangs andzhangs

Attrsense ShangHai

Cabie Wu cabie8399
Python後端工程師/ 工業聯網平台工程師/ 全端工程師
Logan SongRunqi
Working for Java. Want to build a super wonderful tool to reading and learning English.
马瑞博 ruiboma
(: Beijing

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

hejunjie herainyday
Junior C++/Golang/Python Coder Real-time System Developer
lydlovezjr lydlovezjr
Write the Code Change the World

xyz China

青白 lijinfengnuc

JD 北京

Tran Hoang Anh Phi phitrann
AI Engineer @ Uniquify Inc.

University of Science, VNU-HCMC Ho Chi Minh City

PandaWu SongwuJob
AIGC rookie, T2I, T2V, MLLM

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China China

You Yiheng YouYiheng
I will put what I am proceeding at this website. IDEA-UAB first yr student.


Yunqian Chen (Frank) Frank51
DELL Software Engineer. Love Go, love kubernetes and cloud computing.

@DELL Boston

Democratizing Multi-Modal Large Language Models.
Hongbo Zhu Hongbo-Z

University of Manchester University of Manchester

MagnetoWang(王子贤) MagnetoWang
Primary software engineer


Yang Fan Reouo
(゜-゜)つロ 干杯

Wuhan University of Technology China

Nick Huo NickHuo
The crazy one, made something wonderful @mirrorworld-universe @baidu @Tencent . Keep building φ
