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Esco EscoTheCoder
Department Of Informatics Student at Athens University of Economics and Business

Greece Athens

Christiana Koretsi koretsh
Hello! I am an Informatics major at AUEB. This is my digital portfolio.
cedar cedarz

none wuhan,china

Shi Zhang (Simon) zhangshi0512
MS in Computer Software Engineering @ Northeastern University

Seattle, WA

dimitriskavvadas kavvadas
Current studies: 4th year on informatics degree.

Athens University of Economics and Business Athens, Greece

Thomas Robinson Thomas4j6
Age 18, rarely make things.
Basil Papadimas ppdms

Informatics, AUEB Athens, Greece

Thanos Paravantis thanosparavantis
Backend Engineer @ Plum Fintech

University of Piraeus Athens, Greece