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Botschafter wolli
Soll eigentlich SeniorInnen das Internet nahe bringen....... Bastele aber z.Z. an mehreren anderen Baustellen vorwiegend im Security Bereich. LG

Digital Botschafter RLP Germany

~ mimic ~ dokupendium
A seasoned "Open-Doors-Kitty" on the prowl, tracing the elusive tracks of Oktocat... 🐱‍💻


Nikolaos Papachristou nikolaospapachristou
Quality, Data Scientist, Senior Manager
Edmund Gröpl groepl
Data Scientist and Data Storyteller. Talks about #smartsketchnotes and #datastories


Alexander O. alos-source
Doing IT and Automation. Personal Account, no warranty is given for any of the projects. Projects are for my peronal learning.

Nuremberg Area, Germany

Björn Schotte BjoernSchotte

Mayflower GmbH Würzburg, Germany

Thomas Wagner tomww
ZFS, Zones, Solaris, OmniOS, SmartOS, Storage, Ansible, Agile, SCRUM, make teams work they are humans

Selfemployed, just ask. World