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Giulia Grisot giuliagrisot

University of Manchester

Olia wwweather
Philosopher, writess, foodie
Assistant Professor at Northwestern Sociology

Chicago, IL

Nils Reiter nilsreiter
Doing DH and NLP

Department of Digital Humanities, University of Cologne Cologne, Germany

Peer Trilcke peertrilcke

Potsdam University Potsdam

Heinz-Alexander Fuetterer afuetterer

WZB Berlin Social Science Center Berlin, Germany

Yohanna Joseph Waliya yohannawaliya
Yohanna Joseph Waliya is a Nigerian digital poet, distant writer, ludokinetic writer, novelist, playwright, python programmer, winner of the Janusz Korczak Priz

University of Calabar Calabar

Paul Sheridan paul-sheridan

The University of Prince Edward Island Charlottetown

Inessa Kevler inessakevler

Saint Petersburg, Russia

Erik Renz erre1998

University of Rostock Germany

Rocío Silleras Aguilar XioSilleras
PhD in Fine Arts. Sound&plastic artist, experimental musician, art teacher and art researcher (ID: R-3747-2018). Author of "Sólido y sonido" book.


김병준 ByungjunKim
Digital Humanities and Computational Social Science Researcher

Department of Cultural Informatics, Graduate School of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies

Chloe Papadopoulou chloeppd
Digital Humanities & Digital Knowledge Student @ University of Bologna
Mark Schwindt markschwindt

Freie Universität Berlin Berlin