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Brittek brittek
Exploring. Learning. Constructing. Culture. Software. Design. Development. The intersection of my interests & societal adaption.


Mohammad Monfared MowMonfared
UX Designer/Developer. Hungry to learn & innovate!

MealSuite Toronto, Canada

Ignet IgnetStudio
UI Developer

Ignet Ljubljana / Warszawa

David Le d4vid-le
UX/UI designer specializes in 3D design, user experiences, and interface design that are intuitive and user-friendly using the principles of design thinking

Boston, MA

herakures herakures

LYNX Osaka,Japan

David Nguyen hoangsvit
A passionate full-stack developer from @ePlus-DEV

Founder at @ePlus-DEV Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Shubham ShubhamVsCode
Fast Learner. Full Stack Javascript Developer Ready to Work

Bengaluru, Karnataka

Wemersive, Inc WemersiveAdmin
Wemersive is a digital agency specializing in Immersive technologies. We create custom solutions for clients as well as our own products.

Wemersive, Inc Amsterdam, Los Angeles, Toronto

Trill Astro Buzz TrillAstro
Trill Astro Buzz is a digital AI character created by @Cybersoulja to educate and entertain the community of @onesecoConnect

Oneseco Media

Neuromancer Trawmoney

@SewerLabs Michigan

Niko Yang Niko030303
Focus on Automation Workflow
sepahsalar ardeshir
Programmer Minneapolis


Alipay Hangzhou, China

Silvan Soeters silvan-soeters

Silvan Soeters Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Niraj niraj8

Yusuf Ozturk yusufozturk
Chief Architect of VirtualMetric VirtualMetric is the real-time monitoring, auditing, and assessment tool for IT infrastructure & services.

VirtualMetric Amsterdam, Netherlands

rabilb brianrabil
I build apps

@goldmansachs Dallas, TX

Omar Farooq theCuratorCM
Founding curator of the Color Museum.
Nuno Sousa nunofgs
Software Engineer @customerio Braga, Portugal

Brian Roach itsbrex
Managing Director @ Savills US ♥️ #TeamRoach

Savills US San Diego

Nicolas Renault NicolasRenault
IT developer at Trelleborg

Trelleborg France

wangRan wang-ran
fight every day


Yorke Rhodes yorhodes
ordered chain of diff blocks

@hyperlane-xyz brooklyn

Thomas Hoang megatunger
👨‍💻Full-stack / Mobile Developer || 💼 at @mckinsey. He/him 🏳️‍🌈
Adam Yost swimmadude66
Web Developer and Software Architect. Passionate about UX/UI, Information Security, and start-ups

@TetuSecurity Morrison, CO

Wolfgang Pichler pichlerx
