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traylespud traylespud
just here to keep track of my rimworld mods and their authors respectively.
Vianney Veremme Vianpyro
The real geek is the one who thinks there are 1024 meters in a kilometer.

École de Technologie Supérieure Canada

Serhii BurglachOK
I know Html/CSS and JavaScript now


Alexandru Giurovici betaphreak
I create software automation that replaces complex and costly manual testing for your business needs.

Gartner Barcelona, Spain

DracoMan671 DracoMan671
Just a guy who likes to mess with DATA
FlagCourier TheFlagCourier
Professional procrastinator, hobbyist tinkerer.

Oklahoma, USA

Archie helloarchy
.NET C#, C++


Devyn Spencer devynspencer
I like building tools that help people and exploring new frameworks.


Rodrigo Brayner Lyra brayner1
Computer Graphics Engineer at OpenCascade, Part of Capgemini Engineering. Computer Engineer graduated at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)

OpenCascade - Part of Capgemini Seixal - Portugal