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Patrick A. McConnell PAmcconnell

University of California San Francisco San Francisco, CA

Dan Fredell dfredell
Automate all the things.
Ashley Wilson ashleybot
DevOps leader in brain aging research.

University of Kentucky @UK-SBCoA Lexington, KY, USA

Brad Caron bacaron
Imaging Data Scientist, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research

Cambridge, MA

Vishnu Suresh Perumbavoor vishnusureshperumbavoor
SWE mode on 🔥

Trenser Technology Solutions Thiruvananthapuram

Caitlin Maier caitlinflywheel

Flywheel Exchange Minneapolis, MN


Jorge jorge-gx
Hi, how are you?


Liu Hui devhliu
Medical Imaging


Gerald Kanapathy gkanapathy

@snorkel-ai San Francisco

Haroon Chughtai HChughtai
Senior Research Software Engineer - @UCL-ARC | Part-time PhD Student - @UCL-QIG

@UCL London

Lucas Melchior switchboardOp
Platform engineer and DevOps type focused on containers and Kubernetes. Minneapolis

Casey Spires esoteric-acolyte
Senior software engineer, currently working in the world of observability.

Humana Nicholasville, KY