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Erick Lima ErickLima13
Formado em ADS. Tenho um grande interesse na área de desenvolvimento de jogos. Me siga no

São Paulo/Brasil

Ebru Çakar (AmanitaDev) debruw
Senior Unity Developer


Gustavo H Gonçalves GustavoInCode
Olá meu nome é....G...Gustavo, prazer em te ter aqui no meu perfil. Sou um jovem sonhador em uma jornada para me tornar um desenvolvedor front-end :D

Belo Horizonte / BH

Antonina kkinovarrr
currently a student~ lil programmer with big heart. here for fun! opened for any projects 0w0

none Moscow

Gyan muhammadgyan

Gambir Studio Indonesia

Fabi Loscho19

@feinheit Schweiz

Matt Dymott mattdymott

Southampton, England

Raul "Thunderbird" Nascimento hhthunderbird
Game Develper, Game Programmer, Senior Certified Unty3d Developer, Technical Artist, Game vs Human Phsychology enthusiast student.

Felina Interativa São Paulo

Balaji K balajiCubie
🚀 Founder & CEO of Cubie Group | Full-Stack Dev(MERN, Django, Python) | Passionate about Quantum Physics ⚛️ | Innovating at the intersection of code & science.
Rommel Barkat profitdefiant
I like to eat. A lot. And read. And write. And exercise. And other various things. Just no exercise. Mainly just eating, though.


Adriano Albuquerque Baks-design
Game Programmer


James Badibanga Crihojames
Web developer with a Computer Science degree, skilled in information systems, database administration, UX/UI design, project management and Web design.✨

Al & legacy DRC / Kinshasa

Gareth Griffiths gngriffiths
Unity dev & Blender artist.

Untether Studio United Kingdom

Jeff Campbell jeffcampbellmakesgames
Technical Director @zapdot. I make open source tools for game developers.

Zapdot Boston, MA

Bilgin Sahin BilginSahin

Racoon Games Germany

Haoxuan Oyami-Srk
Curiosity Oriented Programmer


Ju_Bueno julianebueno
Cogito, ergo sum


Patrice Paquette r4j4k

Antares Novation Brossard

Harry Chen harryhow

NYU ITP New York