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lmath jerry-wolf
Childish Power User

Hangzhou, China

Liang Ren rl0009

Guangzhou SCA School

Alain yinxulai

ShangHai / China

KurtisAsia curtisrecords
Cloud Computing, TSA

CurtisRecords Earth

Light idawnlight
make: *** No rule to make target 'bio'. Stop.

Japan, Earth, Solar system

Yinying Yao YaoYinYing
🧩PhD student in 🧬protein design🐱🐶Cat&dog lover w/o pets🌈INFP☕️Wild barista(not too bad)💻Glue coder📸Random photographer🤖ChatGPT prompt speaker

Huazhong Agricultural University Kunming, Yunnan, China

方寒Fontage FontageLing
「也许天空 下起了雨」
Ojhdt ojhdt

Guangdong, China