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We're a bunch of geeks forming the collective Modulove. We are into DIY Eurorack modules and in our Studio we produce a series of online concerts.


Marco Piccinini 000HR000

Wand Strategies Italy

bex b3xie
[ software girl, POSIX compliant, self-hosted ] 11525MHz

Zoë F Wolfe glitchwolfe
Software engineer. Glitch Artist. Fan of skeletons.

Seattle, WA

Milkii Brewster mxmilkiib
Interested in [Arch btw] Linux, music, dancing, drumming, festival work, actually free/open systems, data portability, DAW-less, reducing information asymmetry.

Edinburgh, UK

Elliott elynch90
I live to code and code to live. I love Machine Learning engineering and working with exciting AI tools. Oh yeah I also design PCBs and get down with circuits!

SF Bay Area

KE WANG KevinKeWang
biti workshop

China Chengdu

Andy Davies andydavies

Gloucestershire, UK

SurelyHuman SurelyHuman
Data Scientist-- Interests: cellular automata, machine learning, neural networks, human computer interaction, data visualization, and UX/UI

Birmingham, AL

Daniel Haugen daniel-haugen
web and embedded hardware

Seattle, WA