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Alex Garcia hiimalexjgarcia
Hi, I'm Alex Garcia. I'm a sysadmin and developer from Tucson, AZ. On my spare time, you'll find me studying film, music, and computer science.

Tucson, AZ

Reyhan Abdul Quayum reyhanquayum

New York University New York, NY

Aryan art3miz18
Jack of all trades in Gaming technologies {Artist / developer}

Invincible Ocean Gurugram

Joe Montano JoeLorenzoMontano
A programmer and entrepreneur by day.... Mad scientist by night

JoLoMo Software McMinnville OR


The internet

Aashish Karki Aashish079
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IOE, Pulchowk Campus Lalitpur, Kathmandu

Muhammad Sufian sufiancodes
CS student | Programmer
Dave Lim Davelhw
I am old beginner in programming since 1999
Alexij4372 Alexijjj
Byeoungwoo Lee ilbw97
Golang, Docker, PostgreSQL, Python, Django, HTML, Timescaledb

monitorapp Seoul, Los Angeles

Mohamed Kassem mkkassem The Universe

Dems_dd demsdd Russia, Moscow

Gustavo Joaquin GustavoJCL
Hi, i'm a student of computer science and I like Rust btw. I use Arch btw


Frost Philipp-00

Fallschirmjägerregiment 53 Germany

Rnz Brngn (zxreign) zorenkonte

TigerGraphics Inc. Philippines