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Steven PIEL spiel-ifremer

Ifremer Plouzané, France

Sean Jungbluth seannoaa
Microbial Ecology and Oceanography. eDNA|Genomics|Bioinformatics|Software Development @ NOAA-AOML
Chris Moulton moultonc

OSPAR Commission Secretariat

André Castro andrecastro0o
Data manager at @ruisdael-observatory (TU-Delft)

Delft University of Technology Netherlands

Junde Yhi jyhi

National Oceanography Centre Southampton, UK

Ingrid M. Angel Benavides imab4bsh

BSH - Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie - Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany Hamburg

Yumi Song yumiisong

Kyungpook National University, South Korea DAEGU

Chris Gordon cgrdn
QC and operations work for @ArgoCanada

Halifax, NS

Guillaume Maze gmaze
PhD physical oceanography: adj. 1 eager to understand the ocean machinery 2 ocean's big data mining enthusiast !

Ifremer, @euroargodev Brest, France

Research interests include Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Computer vision, Human-Machine Interaction, Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Processing

CESI LINEACT, Innovation and research laboratory Nice-France

Steve Jones squaregoldfish
Research Software Engineer

University of Bergen Bergen, Norway

Victor Turpin vturpin
OceanGliders Technical Coordinator at OceanOPS

OceanOPS Brest

Ailin Brakstad abr099

Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen