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Alexandre Brethomé ABrethome
Data Scientist in Chemistry
James JamesOBrien2
PhD Student at University of Manchester studying Computational Chemistry in the Trujillo Group.
Brittany Haas bchaas

University of Utah

Nasibullin Rinat


Kate Fieseler kate-fie
DPhil student in Computational Chemistry at the University of Oxford

University of Oxford

Álex Pérez-Sánchez alexpsnchz
Computational Chemist - PhD Student at UAB & Master Student of Erasmus Mundus Master in TCCM

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Barcelona

Safaa Sader safazahi4989

Village terre apartments

Emanuel Contreras EmanuelContC
Computational Chemist UAEMex 23' Incoming MSU grad student

Michigan State University

Carson Farmer cfarm6
- Engineering Ph.D. Student at Liberty University - Chief of Operations at @VagusLLC

Liberty University Virginia

David Dalmau Ginesta ddgunizar
PhD candidate (Data science / organometallic chemist) at @jvalegre


Cristina Trujillo ctrujillodelvalle
Computational Chemist

The University Of Macnhester

Inigo Iribarren Aguirre iribirii
Computational chemistry PhD student at Trinity College Dublin.
Sarah A. Berger saberger
PHD-student in Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry at University of Graz

University of Graz

Yeonjoon Kim Yeonjoon-Kim

Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO, USA

Robert Paton bobbypaton
Robert Paton is a Professor of Chemistry at Colorado State University. The Paton group is focused on computer-aided chemical design

Colorado State University Fort Collins, USA

Charles Romain CharlesRom
Lecturer in Chemistry

Imperial College London

Alex Platt aplatt22

Colorado State University

Markus Rauhalahti mrauha
independent researcher (applied metascience and HCI) :: phd in computational chemistry :: nerding hard
Heidi Klem hklem
NRC Postdoc at NIST interested in applications of molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics to study biocatalysis. Let's think about science together.

National Institute of Standards and Technology Boulder, CO

Pradip Si pradipchm
Graduate Student CompChem

UNT Chemistry Denton, TX

Solving big problems with the cutting-edge technology
ElhamPisheh ElhamPisheh
Ph.D. of Physical Chemistry-Quantum Chemistry and MD Simulation
Fanwang Meng FanwangM
Banting Postdoc Fellow @FarnazH at Queens | Postdoc @connorcoley Lab at MIT | Ph.D. @PaulWAyers Lab at McMaster University

Queen's University Canada