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19 repositories
- Collects power consumption from Shelly and transmits it to InfluxDB. Ready for use on a Raspberry Pi.
Public- SOLECTRUS is a smart photovoltaic dashboard that shows your energy production and usage. It also calculates costs and savings, helping you get the most out of your solar system.
- Automated low-cost grid charging for SENEC Home V3 / V2.1 and Tibber dynamic electricity tariff
- Collect solar forecast data from and push it to InfluxDB
Public- Reads Grid import power and splits it to various consumers
- Collect pricing data from and push it to InfluxDB
- Collect SENEC battery data and push it to InfluxDB. Ready to deploy to a Raspberry Pi.
- Unofficial Ruby Client for SENEC Home
Public archiveruze
PublicUnofficial Ruby client for Renault ZE APIsenec-log-downloader
Public archiveCLI tool to upload historical CSV data from Sungrow to InfluxDB