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Felix Centeno fjch100
Electronics Engineer in Telecommunications, I like to write and learn code in PHP, Javascript, C, C# and HTML. I had curses in PHP, NODE.js , Vue, React,

Wellperf Ecuador Quito, EC

Diego Gutierrez diegocba9210
Electronic Engineer and firmware programmer. My interests are Telecommunications, Robotics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity.

Córdoba, Argentina

Elijah Maluleke ElijahMaluleke

Bits and Octet Technologies Johannesburg, South Africa

AI Kumar ALK47

EUROIOT Luxembourg

Shaun Lin Fashaun
I'm what I read, what I eat , and what I listen to.

Moxa Taipei, Taiwan

Haythem haythemayari
Enjoys learning how things work, solve problems, and develop new capabilities. Multi-disciplinary work experience and education.


Lappies lappiesja
I am a Computer and Electronic Engineer with a passion for firmware development. I enjoy being active and that keeps me going no matter what life throws at me.

Alberta, Canada

Hisaya OKADA sayacom

SORACOM, Inc. Tokyo, JP

Yuta Imai yuta-imai
Working as a Solutions Architect, covering IoT and Big Data.

SORACOM, Inc. Tokyo

Just a geek student