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Ben Leber Beleebs
Primary Colors Studios Game Developer Freshmen in a Trenchcoat Game Developer Computer Science Student at Kent State University

Primary Colors Studios Columbus, Ohio

Abdun Nihaal nifey
Computer Science graduate student


/v\atthew L Daniel mdaniel
I do ALLLLLLLL the things

Berkeley, CA, USA

David Reese eseer-divad
Software gardener.

Buchtel College of Arts & Sciences Akron, OH

Jacob Hummer jcbhmr
A far too meticulous web developer 💻

United States

Chandler chand1012
Software Engineer with too many projects. I code in Javascript, Typescript, Python, Go, Rust, and Solidity. Linux, AI, & Web3 Enthusiast.

@multisig-labs @CasualCodersProjects @TimeSurgeLabs USA

Nick Weber nweber28

Kent State University

Ben Demick bdemick
Principal Researcher of Things
Aditya Kanade adityakanade
Microsoft Research India