This document describes changes between each past release.
- Nothing changed yet.
Add support for language configuration
Upgrade to TinyMCE 5.5.0
Remove the jQuery dependency and fix multiples errors around that
As a consequence,
setting has been removed.Move to the Jazzband organization
- Update the default config.
- Upgrade to TinyMCE 5
- Fix compressor
- Upgrade test matrix to Python 3.7 and Django 2.1, 2.2
- Add support for TinyMCE FileBrowser 4.0
- Remove support for South
- Use the attrs set on instantiation as well as the attrs passed to render (#237)
- Drop support for Django 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10.
- Django 1.11 is still supported but issues a deprecation warning.
- Add support for Django 2.0
- Added INCLUDE_JQUERY setting to decide whether should include a jQuery release (#190).
- Avoid deprecation warning with django.core.urlresolvers (#188)
- Fixed a client-side validation issue when the TinyMCE widget has the HTML required attribute set (#187).
- Fixed a crash when no languages are activated (#175).
- Added compatibility for Django 1.11.
- Dropped support for Django 1.6.
- Added compatibility for Django 1.10.
- Fix JQuery Problem with grappelli
- Fix Python 3 compatibility (#170)
- Improve documentation (#163, #171)
- Cleaned Imports (#182)
- Fix TinyMCE Widget for ModelTranslation tabs (#174)
- Fix JSON mimetype (#186)
- Added tests (#149)
- Improved Python3 support
- TinyMCE compressor now use staticfiles to get the file content (and to find files that are in multiple static directory.) (#142)
- Rewrite URL files to let it works with Django 1.9 (#147, #148)
- Add a CONTRIBUTORS file.
- Make sure jQuery is loaded both in the admin and for non-admin forms. (#141)
- Use static finders for development mode. (#131)
- Fix non-admin jQuery.
- Handle non-admin jQuery. (#108)
- Add Python3 support.
- Fix missing CHANGELOG.
- Starts supporting Django 1.8