This play is intended to help you determine if an error is a known issue or a flaky problem.
First, move to the database/scripts
You can check manually if an issue is reported checking Buildfarm Issues board.
Also, you can gather more information using the scripts in this repository:
./sql_run is_known_issue.sql "<test-name>" # Replace with the name of the test you want to check
If the test is a known issue, you will get the job name and the issue link. If you don't get any result, the test is not reported as a known issue.
If you want to check if the test is a flaky problem, you can run the following script:
./sql_run ./ calculate_flakiness_jobs.sql "<test-name>" "<time-range>" # Replace with the name of the test and the time range (e.g., 30 days) you want to check
This will list the jobs that have failed in the time range and the flaky ratio of the test.
Checking if projectroot.test.rclcpp.test_publisher_subscription_count_api
is a known issue:
./ is_known_issue.sql "projectroot.test.rclcpp.test_publisher_subscription_count_api"
Checking the flaky ratio of the test:
/ calculate_flakiness_jobs.sql "projectroot.test.rclcpp.test_publisher_subscription_count_api" "30 days"