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Chapter 4: Data Structures

  • This chapter goes over C++ data structures

Dynamic array

  • Vectors are used as dynamic arrays
  • v.back() gets last element
  • v.pop_back remove and return back element
  • vector<int> v(10, 5) initializes vector of size 10 with value 5
  • Use str.substr(x, y) to get a substring at x with y length
  • str.find(x) finds first occurence of substring x

Set structures

  • Two set architectures: unordered_set uses hashing and set for BT
  • insert() inserts a value
  • erase() removes a value
  • Use multiset to store more non-unique elements in it

Map structures

  • Same as sets: map<string, int> is BT, unordered_map<string, int> is for hashing (hashmap)
  • Syntax: m["key"] = x; for insertion, m.count("key") checks if key exists in hashmap
  • Also use for (auto x : m) for going through hashmap. x.first is key and x.second is value.


  • Most things have .begin() that starts at first element and .end() that starts after last element. This is makes [.begin, .end) true.
  • You can do cool stuff with these. sort(v.begin(), v.end()) and reverse(v.begin(), v.end()
  • For sets, you can use auto it = s.begin();. Then use *it to get element.
  • image
  •  auto it = s.find(x);
     if (it == s.end()) {
     	// x is not found

Other structures

  • bitset is array with only values 0 or 1
  • deque is cooler version of vector where it has push_front and pop_front
  • stack only has push(), pop(), and top().
  • queue has same as stack but front() instead of top().
  • priority_queue has only push and pop()
  • Policy based data structures can be used as well. indexed_set is a data structure that's a set but is indexed like an array.

Comparison to sorting

  • A lot of problems can be solved just by doing sorting and data structures. For instance, some problems, despite having a worse time complexity, are actually way faster to use sorting for.