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Identities API version openapi node npm

Skeleton for Express APIs. API definition is contained in the OpenAPI specification.

Getting Started


  1. Install Node.js from

  2. Generate a self signed certificate with OpenSSL:

    $ openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -keyout key.pem -out csr.pem
    $ openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in csr.pem -signkey key.pem -out server.crt
  3. Document API design in openapi.yaml. Please keep in mind that openapi documentation is mainly for the client's view. Directly implement the feature in the API if there is any difference between what the client should expect and what our server should provide.

  4. Copy config/default-example.yaml to config/default.yaml. Modify as necessary, being careful to avoid committing sensitive data. If you want to configure application through custom environment variables, copy config/custom-environment-variables-example.yaml as config/custom-environment-variables.yaml and map the environment variable names into your configuration structure.

    Environment variables: Sensitive data and data that changes per environment have been moved into environment variables. Below is a list of the variables along with a definition:

    Environment variable Description
    ${API_HOSTNAME} API hostname.
    ${API_PORT} The port used by the API.
    ${API_ADMIN_PORT} The port used by the ADMIN endpoint.
    ${API_USER} The HTTP Basic username used to authenticate API calls.
    ${API_PASSWD} The HTTP Basic password used to authenticate API calls.
  5. Copy mock-db/mock-data-example.json to mock-db/mock-data.json. This will serve as the JSON DB, which is not committed to source code as it will change as the POST endpoint is used.


$ npm install


Run the application:

# Build and run the app and watch for changes using nodemon
$ npm run dev

# Run the app without building
$ npm start

Running the tests


Run ESLint to check the code:

# Using gulp
$ gulp lint

# Using npm
$ npm run lint

Note: We use Airbnb's style as a base style guide. Additional rules and modifications can be found in .eslintrc.yml.


Run unit tests:

# Using gulp
$ gulp test

# Using npm
$ npm test

Test Coverage

Run the nyc tool against the unit tests:

# Using npm
$ npm run coverage

After task is run, a more detailed test coverage report will be available by opening ./coverage/lcov-report/index.html in your browser.

Type checking

This API is configured to use Flow static type checking.

Check flow types:

# Using gulp
$ gulp typecheck

# Using npm
$ npm run typecheck


This API uses Babel to transpile JavaScript code. After running, the transpiled code will be located in dist/. Source maps are also generated in the same directory. These contain references to the original source code for debugging purposes.

Babel allows for newer ECMAScript syntax such as import and export from ES6. It also allows Babel plugins to be used.

Compilation is done by the babel gulp task. This is handled automatically by other tasks but can be manually invoked:

# Using gulp
$ gulp babel

# Using npm
$ npm run babel

Resolving Paths

This skeleton uses babel-plugin-module-resolver to resolve paths. The list of functions that use this plugin can be found in babel.config.js under transformFunctions.

Note: proxyquire is included but only the path given by the first argument to this function will resolve correctly. The keys for each dependency path in the second argument must be relative paths.

Base project off the skeleton

Base a new project off the skeleton

  1. Clone the skeleton:

    $ git clone --origin skeleton <my-api>
  2. Rename project by modifying package.json.

  3. We use express-openapi to generate API by inheriting openapi.yaml. Create path handlers and put them into corresponding directories. For example:

  4. Copy src/serializers/pets-serializer.js to src/serializers/<resources>-serializer.js and modify as necessary:

    $ cp src/serializers/pets-serializer.js src/serializers/<resources>-serializer.js

Base an existing project off / Incorporate updates from the skeleton

  1. Add the skeleton as a remote:

    $ git remote add skeleton
  2. Fetch updates from the skeleton:

    $ git fetch skeleton
  3. Merge the skeleton into your codebase:

    $ git checkout feature/CO-1234-branch
    $ git merge skeleton/master
    $ git commit -v

Getting data source from HTTP endpoints

The following instructions show you how to get data from external endpoints for use in the API.

  1. Define dataSources/http section in the /config/default.yaml to be like:

      dataSources: ['http']
        url: ''
  2. Copy src/db/http/pets-dao-example.js to src/db/http/<resources>-dao.js and modify as necessary:

    $ cp src/db/http/pets-dao-example.js src/db/http/<resources>-dao.js
  3. Make sure to use the correct path for the new DAO file at path handlers files:

    import petsDao from '../db/http/<resources>-dao';

Getting data source from the Oracle Database

The following instructions show you how to connect the API to an Oracle database.

  1. Install Oracle Instant Client by following this installation guide. IMPORTANT: Download the Basic Package, not the Basic Light Package.

  2. Define dataSources/oracledb section in the /config/default.yaml to be like:

      dataSources: ['oracledb']
        connectString: 'DB_URL'
        user: 'DB_USER'
        password: 'DB_PASSWD'
        poolMin: 4
        poolMax: 4
        poolIncrement: 0:

    Options for database configuration:

    Option Description
    poolMin The minimum number of connections a connection pool maintains, even when there is no activity to the target database.
    poolMax The maximum number of connections that can be open in the connection pool.
    poolIncrement The number of connections that are opened whenever a connection request exceeds the number of currently open connections.

    Note: To avoid ORA-02396: exceeded maximum idle time and prevent deadlocks, the best practice is to keep poolMin the same as poolMax. Also, ensure increasing the number of worker threads available to node-oracledb. The thread pool size should be at least equal to the maximum number of connections and less than 128.

  3. If the SQL codes/queries contain intellectual property like Banner table names, put them into src/db/oracledb/contrib folder and use git-submodule to manage submodules:

    • Add the given repository as a submodule at src/db/oracledb/contrib:

      $ git submodule add <contrib_repo_git_url> src/db/oracledb/contrib
    • Fetch the submodule from the contrib repository:

      $ git submodule update --init
  4. Copy src/db/oracledb/pets-dao-example.js to src/db/oracledb/<resources>-dao.js and modify as necessary:

    $ cp src/db/oracledb/pets-dao-example.js src/db/oracledb/<resources>-dao.js
  5. Make sure to use the correct path for the new DAO file at path handlers files:

    import petsDao from '../db/oracledb/<resources>-dao';

Getting data source from an AWS S3 bucket

The following instructions show you how to get data from an AWS S3 bucket

  1. Install aws-sdk via package management:

    $ npm install aws-sdk
  2. Define the dataSources field in config/default.yaml to be like:

      dataSources: ['awsS3']
        bucket: BUCKET_NAME
        apiVersion: API_VERSION
        accessKeyId: ACCESS_KEY_ID
        secretAccessKey: SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
        region: REGION
        endpoint: null
        s3ForcePathStyle: false

    Options for configuration:

    Option Description
    bucket The name of the AWS S3 bucket to use
    apiVersion Version of the S3 API. Example: '2006-03-01'
    endpoint When using a local or proxy S3 instance, set this value to the host URL. Example: http://localhost:9000
    s3ForcePathStyle Set to true if using a local or proxy S3 instance
  3. Copy src/db/awsS3/pets-dao-example.js to src/db/awsS3/<resources>-dao.js and modify as necessary:

    $ cp src/db/awsS3/pets-dao-example.js src/db/awsS3/<resources>-dao.js
  4. Make sure to use the correct path for the new DAO file at path handlers files:

    import petsDao from '../db/awsS3/<resources>-dao';