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Fast approximate Bayesian tools for inference in mixture cure survival models


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The mixcurelps package

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The mixcurelps package can be used to fit mixture cure survival models with Laplacian-P-splines. It is based on the methodology presented in (Gressani, Faes, Hens, 2022). The population survival function is assumed to be a mixture of uncured and cured subjects. As such, the model accounts for long-term survivors that will never experience the event of interest, no matter how long the period of follow-up. The proportion of uncured subjects (also called incidence) is modeled with a logistic link function and the survival function of the uncured (the latency part) is approached with a flexible Cox proportional hazards model with a baseline hazard approximated by penalized cubic B-splines (Eilers and Marx, 1996).

The approximate Bayesian inference methodology is governed by Laplace approximations to the conditional posterior of latent variables. The penalty parameter associated with P-splines is optimized and the maximum a posteriori argument is considered. The prior of the roughness penalty parameter is Gamma distributed with an additional (dispersion) parameter for which a Gamma hyperprior is specified (Jullion and Lambert, 2007). B-spline matrices and the Laplace approximation subroutines are coded in C++ and integrated in R via the Rcpp package, so that the code is highly efficient and computational times shrinked to seconds. The Laplacian-P-splines mixture cure (LPSMC) methodology is entirely sampling-free and outperforms classic MCMC approaches from a computational perspective.

The package also includes a fully stochastic Bayesian inference approach based on a Metropolis-Langevin-within-Gibbs (MLWG) algorithm to sample from the joint posterior. The user is thus able to choose between a fully sampling-free approach (via Laplace approximations) or a fully stochastic approach (via MCMC) for inference in the mixture cure model.

The package can be used to generate survival data under two different scenarios. The generating process is such that the Kaplan-Meier curve exhibits a plateau. Thus, the datasets are suitable for mixture cure model analysis. Once the model has been fitted with the lpsmc() routine, the user can do a variety of things among which:

  • See pointwise estimates and (approximate) credible intervals of regression coefficients.
  • Compute the estimated cure proportion and associated credibility envelopes.
  • Plot the posterior of the (log) penalty parameter.
  • Plot baseline survival curves and survival curves of uncured subjects.

Getting ready

To dowload the package from Github, first install the devtools package and use the install_github() routine.


Then, load the package.


A simulated example

First, a dataset is simulated with a sample of size 400 using the simdatmixcure() routine and a plot of the associated Kaplan-Meier curve is shown. A plateau is clearly visible in the tail (the start of the plateau is indicated by a vertical dashed line), so that a mixture cure model is appropriate for this type of data.

simul <- simdatmixcure(n = 400, wshape = 1.45, wscale = 0.25, setting = 1)
simdat <- simul$simdata

To fit a mixture cure model with Laplacian-P-splines, the lpsmc() routine is used. The first argument is a formula taking the observed follow-up times and the covariates in the incidence part inci() and latency part late() into account. The scalar K is the number of B-spline basis functions and the argument stepsize is an optional parameter controlling the precision with which the maximum a posteriori of the (log) penalty parameter is computed.

# Fit mixture cure model
formula <- Surv(tobs, event) ~ inci(x1 + x2) + late(z1 + z2)
fit <- lpsmc(formula, data = simdat , K = 12, stepsize = 0.1)
## Fitting mixture cure model with Laplacian-P-splines 
## -------------------------------------------------- 
## Sample size:  400 
## No. of B-splines:  12 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
##                                   (Incidence)                    
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
##             Estimate     sd CI90%.low CI90.up% CI95%.low CI95%.up
## (Intercept)    0.743  0.230     0.365    1.120     0.293    1.193
## x1            -1.298  0.211    -1.645   -0.952    -1.711   -0.886
## x2             1.109  0.358     0.521    1.697     0.408    1.810
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
##                                    (Latency)                     
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
##    Estimate     sd CI90%.low CI90.up% CI95%.low CI95%.up
## z1   -0.176  0.085    -0.317   -0.036    -0.343   -0.009
## z2    0.461  0.154     0.208    0.714     0.160    0.762
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
## 'Real' elapsed time: 0.79 seconds.

The table above shows the pointwise estimates, posterior standard deviation and credible intervals for the regression parameters in the incidence and latency parts of the model. For this particular simulated setting, the coefficients of the incidence part are $\beta_0=0.70$, $\beta_1=-1.15$ and $\beta_2=0.95$. For the latency part one has, $\gamma_1=-0.10$ and $\gamma_2=0.25$. Finally, the table ends by showing the elapsed wall clock time required by the lpsmc() routine in seconds. Let us now see how the (approximate) posterior of the (log) penalty parameter looks like by using the postpendist() routine:

postpendist(fit, low = 8, up = 15, themetype = "gray")

The maximum a posteriori for the log penalty parameter v can be accessed by typing fit$vhat and is equal (in this example) to 12.35 as indicated by the dashed black line above.

Estimated cure proportion

Once lpsmc() has been called to fit a mixture cure model, the curefit() routine can be used to computed the estimated proportion of cured subjects for a given profile of covariates in the incidence part. The code below randomly generates four covariates profiles (the rows in the matrix Xprof) and computes the estimated cure rates 1-p(x) for each row:

Xprof <- matrix(c(rep(1,4), rnorm(4), rbinom(4, 1, prob = 0.5)), 
                nrow = 4 , byrow = FALSE)
fitcure <- curefit(fit, Xprof)
knitr::kable(fitcure$estimcure, digits = 3)
(Intercept) x1 x2 1-p(x) CI90.low CI90.up CI95.low CI95.up
x.profile1 1 -0.177 1 0.111 0.065 0.170 0.058 0.183
x.profile2 1 -0.912 1 0.046 0.022 0.084 0.018 0.093
x.profile3 1 -0.130 0 0.287 0.209 0.368 0.196 0.384
x.profile4 1 0.309 0 0.415 0.327 0.502 0.310 0.518

The first three columns show the values of the generated covariate profile. The fourth colum is the estimated cure proportion and the remaining columns show the approximate credible envelopes. The true cure rates for the chosen covariate profiles in Xprof are:

round(1 - fit$px(simul$betas, Xprof),3)
## [1] 0.135 0.063 0.299 0.415

Baseline survival curve

The estimated baseline survival curve can be obtained with the survcurve() routine. The argument can be used to fix the credible level.

fitS0 <- survcurve(fit, = 0.95, outlisted = TRUE)


To fit the mixture cure model with the Metropolis-Langevin-within-Gibbs sampler, the LangevinGibbs() routine is used. Here, we specify a chain of length 15,000 and a warm-up period (burn-in) of 5,000. Of course, the Metropolis-Langevin-within-Gibbs sampler is computationally more demanding than the fully sampling-free Laplacian-P-splines approach.

fitMLWG <- LangevinGibbs(formula, data = simdat , K = 12, mcmcsample = 15000,
                         burnin = 5000)
## Fitting mixture cure model with Langevin-Gibbs sampler 
## ------------------------------------------------------- 
## Sample size:  400 
## No. of B-splines:  12 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
##                                   (Incidence)                    
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
##             Estimate     sd CI90%.low CI90.up% CI95%.low CI95%.up
## (Intercept)    0.778  0.235     0.409    1.175     0.325    1.256
## x1            -1.344  0.217    -1.719   -1.007    -1.791   -0.955
## x2             1.150  0.369     0.553    1.756     0.438    1.884
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
##                                    (Latency)                     
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
##    Estimate     sd CI90%.low CI90.up% CI95%.low CI95%.up
## z1   -0.176  0.087    -0.318   -0.030    -0.348   -0.005
## z2    0.461  0.157     0.198    0.721     0.150    0.760
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
## 'Real' elapsed time: 45.45 seconds
## MCMC chain length: 15000
## Burn-in length: 5000
## MCMC acceptance rate: 57.087%.

To get the traceplots of the regression coefficients of the incidence part (and the roughness penalty parameter), type the following lines:

gridExtra::grid.arrange(plot(fitMLWG, param="beta0"),
                        plot(fitMLWG, param="beta1"),
                        plot(fitMLWG, param="beta2"), 
                        plot(fitMLWG, param="lambda",tracecol = "red"),
                        nrow = 2, ncol = 2)

To check that the generated chains have converged, we look at the Geweke diagnostics of the latent variables (and the hyperparameters). Here in total, we have 18 blue points (11 B-splines plus 5 regression coefficients plus 2 hyperparameters). All of the Geweke z-scores are within the $(-1.96,1.96)$ range (red dotted horizontal lines), which is a good sign of convergence.

plot(fitMLWG$Geweke,type="p", pch=8, col="blue", ylim=c(-2.5,2.5),
     ylab="Geweke z-scores")


To assess the statistical performance of the methodology underlying the algorithms, the simlpsmc() routine can be used to simulate datasets in an iterative way and compute some metrics to assess how precise the model fit is. The code below simulates S=500 replications of samples of size $300$ and for each iteration fits a mixture cure model with lpsmc(). A table with the desired metrics to check the performance summarizes the simulations.

S <- 500
sims <- simlpsmc(n = 300, scenario = 1, S = S, themetype = "classic")
## -------------------------------------------------- 
## Simulation results for LPSMC 
## -------------------------------------------------- 
## Scenario:  1 
## Sample size:  300 
## No. of B-splines:  15 
## No. of replications:  500 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
##        Scenario Parameters   Mean   Bias    ESE   RMSE   CP90   CP95
## beta0     1.000      0.700  0.723  0.023  0.250  0.251 91.600 96.200
## beta1     1.000     -1.150 -1.184 -0.034  0.243  0.245 90.600 95.800
## beta2     1.000      0.950  0.972  0.022  0.397  0.397 90.200 96.600
## gamma1    1.000     -0.100 -0.100  0.000  0.098  0.098 88.200 93.400
## gamma2    1.000      0.250  0.224 -0.026  0.189  0.191 86.600 92.200
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
## Estimated coverage probabilities of S0 at selected quantiles 
## ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
##       t0.05 t0.1 t0.2 t0.3 t0.4 t0.5 t0.6 t0.7 t0.8 t0.9
## CP90%  75.4 84.4 86.4 86.6 85.8 90.2 91.6 91.2 76.4 32.8
## CP95%  82.2 89.2 94.4 93.0 93.8 96.2 96.6 95.6 85.2 46.4
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
## Estimated coverage probabilities of S(uncured) for z=(0,0.4) 
## ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
##       t0.05 t0.1 t0.2 t0.3 t0.4 t0.5 t0.6 t0.7 t0.8 t0.9
## CP90%  78.8 88.2 89.0 87.8 87.0 91.0 93.2 89.6 72.0 18.6
## CP95%  87.6 93.0 93.6 94.0 94.8 97.0 97.6 93.6 82.0 27.4
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
## Total elapsed time: 232.38 seconds.

The above table shows the simulation results associated with the regression coefficients (table on top) and also the estimated (90% and 95%) coverage probabilities of the baseline survival curve and the survival curve of the uncured respectively at selected quantiles. Dividing the total elapsed time by the number of replications allows to assess the average time required by the lpsmc() routine to fit the model (here 0.465 seconds). To show the simulation results associated with the regression coefficients in a clean table:

knitr::kable(sims$simulres, digits = 3)
Scenario Parameters Mean Bias ESE RMSE CP90 CP95
beta0 1 0.70 0.723 0.023 0.250 0.251 91.6 96.2
beta1 1 -1.15 -1.184 -0.034 0.243 0.245 90.6 95.8
beta2 1 0.95 0.972 0.022 0.397 0.397 90.2 96.6
gamma1 1 -0.10 -0.100 0.000 0.098 0.098 88.2 93.4
gamma2 1 0.25 0.224 -0.026 0.189 0.191 86.6 92.2

The beta parameters are the coefficients of the incidence part and the gamma parameters the coefficients in the latency part. The estimated baseline survival curves and a boxplot of the Average Squared Error associated to the incidence across various covariate profiles can be obtained as follows:

gridExtra::grid.arrange(sims$S0plot, sims$ASEplot, nrow = 1)

Package version

This is version 1.1.3 (2024-10-30) – “lpsmc inputs”.


Copyright © Oswaldo Gressani. All rights reserved.


Gressani, O., Faes, C. and Hens, N. (2022). Laplacian P-splines for Bayesian inference in the mixture cure model. Statistics in Medicine, 41(14), 2602-2626.

Eilers, P.H.C. and Marx, B.D. (1996). Flexible smoothing with B-splines and penalties. Statistical Science, 11(2), 89-121.

Jullion, A., and Lambert, P. (2007). Robust specification of the roughness penalty prior distribution in spatially adaptive Bayesian P-splines models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 51(5), 2542-2558.

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© Christoph Burgstedt - Adobe Stock.


This project is funded by the European Union’s Research and Innovation Action under the H2020 work programme, EpiPose (grant number 101003688).


Fast approximate Bayesian tools for inference in mixture cure survival models







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