This sub-project defines the copany
microservice. Details as to how to deploy it can be found in the deployment documentation.
title: Key Abstractions
Company *-- Identifier : id
Company *-- Version : version
Company *-- CompanyStatus : status
Company o-- "0..1" ModificationTimes : modificationTimes
class Company {
+String name
+String description
+changeStatusTo(candidate) ErrorOr
class CompanyStatus {
+String entryName
+canBecome(candidate) Boolean
class ErrorOr
class Identifier {
+String nid
+String nss
class ModificationTimes {
+datetime createdOn
+datetime lastChanged
+touch() ModificationTimes
class Version {
+positive value
title: Allowable Status Transitions
Inactive --> Active
Active --> Inactive
Active --> Suspended
Suspended --> Active
All company
URI's considered "public", which can be defined as both stable and published, can be found in the company service RAML.
Any other URI must be considered transient.
The company-service
differs from others in that it uses Kafka as its persistent store between invocations. This is done both as an experiment to discover the implications of doing so as well as serving to cauterize dependencies.