This sub-project defines the storage-facility
microservice. Details as to how to deploy it can be found in the deployment documentation.
title: Key Abstractions
StorageFacility *-- Identifier : id
StorageFacility *-- Version : version
StorageFacility o-- "0..1" ModificationTimes : modificationTimes
StorageFacility *-- Volume : capacity
StorageFacility *-- Volume : available
class StorageFacility {
+String name
+String city
+String state
+String zip
+changeStatusTo(candidate) ErrorOr
class ErrorOr
class ModificationTimes {
+datetime createdOn
+datetime lastChanged
+touch() ModificationTimes
class Identifier {
+String nid
+String nss
class Version {
+positive value
class Volume {
+cubicmeters value
+minus(volume) ErrorOr
+plus(volume) Volume
title: Allowable Status Transitions
Active --> Closed
Closed --> Active
UnderConstruction --> Active
All storage-facility
URI's considered "public", which can be defined as both stable and published, can be found in the storage facility service RAML.
Any other URI must be considered transient.