Reorganized DB interface layout
- this includes the plugin api, so those will break if you have been developing one even though it's only been four days geeze it hasn't been that long has it
Modified Driver Type to separate autoRegister calls from register calls
- When switching buckets, delete old connections only after full sync
- before, it would remove the connection first, thus deleting all the files before they synced
Added experiemental metadata switch in
- see: gaia pull #249
Switched from 7zip to yazl
- removed a binary (yay!)
Added DB driver functionality
- You can now run off of any DB you want (as long as they have a driver)
Added RethinkDB DB Driver
Added Sqlite3 DB Driver
- the default one if none is selected, so you can run hestia without installing any db
- also adds a binary :(
Added the ability for drivers to use (re)direct links to save bandwidth
Updated Dropbox Driver
- No longer caches
calls, because all of that is done via the metadata database anyways. - Now uses direct (shared) links, which are created on register and on file-read if they do not exist.
- No longer uploads metadata files (as it is stored in the database)
- Files less than 8mb in size now attempt to upload via the normal endpoint
instead of being sent to the batch files upload endpoint (but will be sent there
to try again if they fail)
- this speeds up the uploading speed significantly
- No longer caches
Updated Disk Driver
- No longer creates metadata files (as it is stored in the database)
Added Gaia storage driver
- Takes a token and uses that bucket as it's own storage endpoint
- Uses direct links for reads
- Can be used as a hub-driver (like the disk driver) when supplied a token
- Hub-driver is auto-registerable
- Can be used as a user-driver (like the dropbox driver) when not supplied a token
- Registration requires this to be added:
?token={gaia token}
- Registration requires this to be added:
- Technically it can be used as both as well
take a{bucket}
instead of a{path}
option to/gaia/read/{...}
to view (non-private) file metadata (contentType, size, hash) -
Removed a bunch of excess dependencies
Handle closing the application better
Initial release (It's finally done)!