- Node.js
- Gradle
- Docker Compose
- Define in your system the following environment variables:
- GITHUB_ACTOR : github username
- GITHUB_TOKEN : github personal access token (classic) with read permissions
In the root folder, update gradlew permission and publish the dependencies
chmod +x ./gradlew
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
Change directory to ./samples/spring folder, update also this gradlew file permission and build the sample
cd samples/spring
chmod +x ./gradlew
./gradlew bootJar
Return to root folder and run docker compose in the e2e folder
cd ..
cd e2e
docker compose --env-file .env.dev up --build
Staying in the e2e folder, install newman with npm
npm i newman
Finally, when all docker's containers are healthy, you can run the tests with
npm run execute-test
Newman generates a detailed report in the "newman" folder, you can open it with your preferred browser
The sample configuration can be changed with environment variables in the .env.dev file (or using a different .env file in the docker compose command)
The configurable variables are the following:
ASSERTION_CLIENT_MOCK_ENABLED | false | Enable Mockserver client |
IDP_CLIENT_MOCK_ENABLED | false | Enable Mockserver client |
SAMPLE_LOLLIPOP_CONSUMER_ENDPOINT | /api/v1/lollipop-consumer | Define sample controller endpoint |
LOLLIPOP_ASSERTION_EXPIRE_IN_DAYS | 180 | Define after how many days assertion expires |
LOLLIPOP_EXPECTED_LC_ORIGINAL_URL | https://api-app.io.pagopa.it/first-lollipop/sign | Define original url expected in request's header |
LOLLIPOP_EXPECTED_LC_ORIGINAL_METHOD | POST | Define original method expected in request's header |
LOLLIPOP_ASSERTION_NOT_BEFORE_DATE_FORMAT | yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' | Define the date format used in the Assertion's notBefore field |
LOLLIPOP_ASSERTION_INSTANT_DATE_FORMAT | yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' | Define the date format used in the Assertion's Issue Instant field |
IDP_CLIENT_CIEID | https://idserver.servizicie.interno.gov.it/idp/profile/SAML2/POST/SSO | Define entity id for CIE identity provider |
IDP_CLIENT_BASE_URI | https://api.is.eng.pagopa.it | Define base uri to retrieve IDP certification data |
IDP_CLIENT_CIE_ENDPOINT | /idp-keys/cie | Define endpoint to IDP_CLIENT_BASE_URI for CIE's certification |
IDP_CLIENT_SPID_ENDPOINT | /idp-keys/spid | Define endpoint to IDP_CLIENT_BASE_URI for SPID's certification |
IDP_STORAGE_ENABLED | true | Enable internal cache storage for IDP certification data |
IDP_STORAGE_EVICTION_DELAY | 1 | Define storage eviction delay for IDP's storage (in Minutes by default) |
ASSERTION_REST_URI | http://localhost:3000 | Define base uri to retrieve the Assertion |
ASSERTION_REST_ENDPOINT | /assertions | Define endpoint to ASSERTION_REST_URI |
ASSERTION_STORAGE_ENABLED | true | Enable internal cache storage for assertions |
ASSERTION_STORAGE_EVICTION_DELAY | 1 | Define storage eviction delay for assertion's storage (in Minutes by default) |
The docker image eclipse-temurin:11-jdk-alpine used to build the sample is compatible only with amd64 cpus and not with apple's silicon cpus (arc64), if you have an arc cpu and having trouble building the docker image change it in the Dockerfile to eclipse-temurin:11-jre-jammy.