In order to work on the provider, Go should be installed first (version 1.11+ is required).
goenv and gvm are great utilities that can help a
lot with that and simplify setup tremendously.
GOPATH should be setup correctly and $GOPATH/bin
should be
added $PATH
This plugin uses Go modules available starting from Go 1.11
and therefore it should not be checked out within $GOPATH
Source code can be retrieved with git
$ git clone .
This project uses go mod
to manage its dependencies and it's expected that all dependencies are vendored so that
it's buildable without internet access. When adding/removing a dependency run following commands:
$ go mod vendor
$ go mod tidy
In order to build plugin for the current platform use [GNU]make:
$ make build
GOPROXY="off" GOFLAGS="-mod=vendor" go build -o para
it will build provider from sources and put it into current working directory.
If Terraform was installed (as a binary) or via go get -u
it'll pick up the plugin if
executed against a configuration in the same directory.
In order to prepare provider binaries for all platforms:
$ make release compress sums
make clean release compress sums
rm -rf ./release ./para
GOPROXY="off" GOFLAGS="-mod=vendor" GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o './release/para_v0.4.3_darwin-amd64'
GOPROXY="off" GOFLAGS="-mod=vendor" GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o './release/para_v0.4.3_linux-amd64'
upx ./release/*
Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
Copyright (C) 1996 - 2018
UPX 3.95 Markus Oberhumer, Laszlo Molnar & John Reiser Aug 26th 2018
File size Ratio Format Name
-------------------- ------ ----------- -----------
11470148 -> 4272144 37.25% macho/amd64 para_v0.4.3_darwin-amd64
10602880 -> 3888952 36.68% linux/amd64 para_v0.4.3_linux-amd64
-------------------- ------ ----------- -----------
22073028 -> 8161096 36.97% [ 2 files ]
Packed 2 files.
cd ./release; shasum -a 256 para* > SHA256SUMS
If you have upx available you can compress release binaries with make compress
This project follow Semantic Versioning
This project follows keep a changelog guidelines for changelog.