kernel launches have a 6 microsecond overhead. For small
kernels that perform little work, this can be a perforamnce bottleneck
when each kernel is launched per meshblock. Parthenon therefore
provides the capability to combine variables into a single data
structure that spans some number of meshblocks, the MeshBlockPack
There are two methods for creating mesh packs, which are analogous to the VariablePack
and VariableFluxPack
available in containers.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
auto PackVariablesOnMesh(T &blocks, const std::string &container_name,
Args &&... args)
template <typename T, typename... Args>
auto PackVariablesAndFluxesOnMesh(T &blocks, const std::string &container_name,
Args &&... args)
The former packs only the variables, the latter packs in the variables and associated flux vectors.
Here T
can be the mesh or any standard template container that contains meshblocks.
The variatic arguments take exactly the same arguments as
and container.PackVariablesAndFluxes
. You
can pass in a metadata vector, a vector of names, and optionally IDs
and a map from names to indices. See
here for more details.
Instead of packing over the whole mesh, you can pack over only a piece
of it by using the Partition
machinery found in
. For example, to break the mesh
into four evenly sized meshpacks, do
using parthenon::MeshBlock;
using parthenon::Partition::Partition_t;
Partition_t<MeshBlock> partitions;
parthenon::Partition::ToNPartitions(mesh->block_list, 4, partitions);
MeshBlockPack<VariablePack<Real>> packs[4];
for (int i = 0; i < partitions.size() {
packs[i] = PackVariablesOnMesh(partitions[i], "base");
To pack only the variables "var1" and "var2" in the container named "mycontainer", do:
std::vector<std::string>> vars = {"var1", "var2"};
for (int i = 0; i < partitions.size() {
packs[i] = PackVariablesOnMesh(partitions[i], "myContainer", vars);
There are two partitioning functions:
// Splits container into N equally sized partitions
template <typename Container_t, typename T>
void ToNPartitions(Container_t &container, const int N, Partition_t<T> &partitions);
// Splits container into partitions of size N
template <typename Container_t, typename T>
void ToSizeN(Container_t &container, const int N, Partition_t<T> &partitions);
Both functions live within the namespace parthenon::Partition
The Mesh Pack is indexable as a five-dimensional Kokkos
view. The
slowest moving index indexes into a 4-dimensional VariablePack
. The
next slowest indexes into a variable. The fastest three index into the
cells on a meshblock.
For example:
// pack all variables on the base container accross the whole mesh
auto meshpack = PackVariablesAndFluxes(pmesh, "base");
auto variablepack = meshpack(m); // Indexes into the m'th meshblock
auto var = meshpack(m,l); // Indexes into the k'th variable on the m'th MB
// The l'th variable in the i,j,k'th cell of the m'th meshblock
Real r = meshpack(m,l,k,j,i);
For convenience, MeshBlockPack
also includes the following methods and fields:
// the IndexShape object describing the bounds of all blocks in the pack
IndexShape bounds = meshpack.cellbounds;
// a 1D array of coords objects
auto coords = meshpack.coords(m); // gets the Coordinates_t object on the m'th MB
// The dimensionality of the simulation. Will be 1, 2, or 3.
// This is needed because components of the flux vector
// are only allocated for dimensions in use.
int ndim = meshpack.GetNdim();
// Get the sparse index of the n'th sparse variable in the pack.
int sparse = meshpack.GetSparse(n);
// The size of the n'th dimension of the pack
int dim = meshpack.GetDim(n);
The types for packs are:
which correspond to packs over meshblocks that contain just variables or contain variables and fluxes.