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Scaling Run Sync Up

Philipp Grete edited this page Feb 5, 2021 · 9 revisions
  • Jonas' Proxy
  • AthenaPK
  • RIOT

Work in Progress

  • Jonas' is validating Darwin Power9 builds while we wait for him to get RZAnsel access

Target Problems


  1. Pick a set of problems for each application.
  2. Start with minimum resources on each architecture (Broadwell, V100s) to run that problem.
  3. Strong scale.



Parthenon (legacy)

We will reproduce an existing problem Galen has already run, see Parthenon legacy scaling instructions.

Previous discussion:


AthenaPK scaling instructions

Will finish instructions for Galen to run simulation by Thursday, 2/4.

Add some capabilities to print more precise timers (e.g. simulation vs. amr vs. mesh infrastructure).


Problem: Multi-material mixing problem. Kelvin-Helmholtz

Simulations to run:

  1. "American Flag" multi-material simulation. (uni-grid only)
  2. 3D blast wave single-material simulation. (AMR and uni-grid)


  • AMR vs. uni-grid (same level of max refinement)
  • (put this off - communication in integration not working for 4 ghost zones) 2 vs. 4 cell ghost zones

We'd like to do a comparison of two different ghost zone sizes 2 vs. 4 for integration (cuts communications with bigger ghost zones). We need to think about this affects problem scaling since ghost zones can have an outsize effect on memory usage.

Proxy App


  • ???


  • We need to scale the computational density of FillDerived. Probably just a factor multiple on the number of iterations in FillDerived. Will try to compare to RIOT.


  • Load Imbalance - target 3 different scenarios along axis from very homogeneous to a handful of extreme outliers
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