KilikTableBundle is a fast, modern, and easy-to-use way to manipulate paginated information, with filtering and ordering features, with ajax queries.
This bundle is a work in progress.
- pagination
- basic filtering (like %...%)
- advanced filtering (<,>,<=,>=,=,!,!=)
- ordering by column (and reverse)
- basic table template extendable
- keep filters and orders in browser local storage (api REST)
- filtering on queries with group by
- show ordered column (normal and reverse)
- max items per page selector (customizable)
- delay on keyup events (to prevent multiple reloads)
- checkbox and select filter
- CSV export of filtered rows
- customization of visible columns (hide/show checkboxes)
- column display colum cells with callback
- custom display colum cells with template
- multiple lists on one page
- pre-load default filters and reset local storage filters
- smart filtering on many words (Filter::TYPE_LIKE_WORDS_AND)
- (beta) support api calls to load resources via web services
- more translations
- add advanced templates
composer require kilik/table
Patch your AppKernel.php (symfony <4):
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = [
// ...
new \Kilik\TableBundle\KilikTableBundle(),
// ...
Patch your AppKernel.php (symfony >=4):
return [
Kilik\TableBundle\KilikTableBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Install assets
./bin/console assets:install --symlink
And create your first list:
Feature disabled on 1.0 branch (symfony 4 compatibility WIP)
./bin/console kilik:table:generate
(With default parameters, your list is available here http://localhost/yourcontroller/list)
This documentation need to be completed.
Here, some examples to show latest features.
Optimized version to load entities, from Repository Name:
$table = (new Table())
// ...
// ...
Optimized version to load entities, from Callback method (Eager loading):
$table = (new Table())
// ...
->setEntityLoaderCallback(function($ids) {
return $this->manager()->getRepository('KilikDemoBundle:Product')->findById($ids);
// ...
Define a mass action for list
$massAction = new MassAction('delete', 'Delete selected items');
// First parameter 'delete' must not contain space or special characters (identifier)
$table = (new Table())
// ...
// ...
// Then your form action, you can grab selected rows as entities
$selectedEntities = $this->get('kilik_table')
->getSelectedRows($request, $this->getTable());
foreach ($selectedEntities as $entity) {
// ...
// ...
If mass action does not have a specified action, a javascript event is fired. You can get all rows checked as following :
$("#table_id").on('kilik:massAction', function (e, detail) {
if (detail.checked.length === 0) return false;
if (detail.action === 'delete') {
jQuery event when table init process starts
$(document).on('kilik:init:start', function(event, table) {
// Do something with event or table object
jQuery event when table init process ends
$(document).on('kilik:init:start', function(event, table) {
// Do something with event or table object
A new twig block provide metadata information about table so you can autoload it if necessary without any javascript in your twig template.
{% block tableMetadata %}
<div style="display:none;width:0; height:0;" data-kiliktable-id="{{ }}" data-kiliktable-path="{{ table.path }}">{{ table.options | json_encode | raw }}</div>
{% endblock tableMetadata %}
You can access table configurations from HTML attributes with jQuery, see the example :
var loadKiliktables = function() {
var $kilikTables = $("[data-kiliktable-id]");
if ($kilikTables && $kilikTables.length > 0) {
$kilikTables.each(function(index, currentTable){
var $currentTable = $(currentTable);
var id = $"kiliktable-id");
if (id.length > 0) {
var path = $"kiliktable-path");
var options = $currentTable.html();
new KilikTableFA(id, path, JSON.parse(options)).init();
Note: WIP on Bootstrap 4 (with Font Awesome) integration, use new JS function:
$(document).ready(function () {
var table = new KilikTableFA("{{ }}", "{{ table.path }}", JSON.parse('{{ table.options | json_encode |raw }}'));
If you want to use a custom storage for table filters (Eg. Session).
// Disable using javascript local storage form filters
public function getTable()
return (new Table())->setSkipLoadFilterFromLocalStorage(true);
// On ajax action : store filters data
public function _list(Request $request)
$table = $this->getTable();
$response = $this->get('kilik_table')->handleRequest($table, $request);
// Handle request for table form
$data = $table->getForm()->getData();
$this->filterStorage->store($data); // Use your custom storage
return $response;
// On default action
public function list()
$table = $this->getTable();
$data = $this->filterStorage->get();
return $this->render('list.html.twig', array(
'table' => $this->kilik->createFormView($table, $data),
When a filter is filled, class table-filter-filled is added on field. By default, no style is applied, but you can override it to fit your needs :
.table-filter-filled {
# prepare tests
# run tests
# launch composer