This script can be reused for extending existing early-warning solution by organisations and institutions. With some edits, it can be used to enhance existing outputs of devices (such as seismological systems for detecting earthquakes) or manually released warnings (by staff of particular organisation) with current outputs in formats:
- XML,
From then it's possible with adding your own API keys to reach as many internet users on their widely used user-friendly platforms as possible, thus improve reach of information amongs public. Scripts shows hot to share information on:
- Social media Facebook and Twitter,
- Mobile app (scripts has implemented sending of push notifications to OneSignal),
- E-mail campaign
Sources of warning information included for particular example of implementation and its format outputs:
- Czech Hydrometeorological Institute; CAP/XML format
- European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC); XML format
- Public Health Office of Capital City of Prague; HTML format
- Ministry of Health Czech Republic; HTML format