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Hello, fellow internet human! 👋

What you'll see below is a log for every project I do for 100 days of Python Code. I'm following Dr. Angela Yu's Udemy Course

Beginner 🐣

Day Project Progress Link
1 Band Name Generator Corny first project to refresh on user input Repo
2 Tip Calculator Refresh on user input and fun maths! Repo
3 Choose your own adventure Not much learned, just a brain teaser on how to use (inefficient) conditional statements Repo
4 Rock Paper Scissors Same as day 3 Repo
5 Random Password Generator Learned how to shuffle within a list Repo
6 2D Maze Solver Refresh on functions Reeborg's World
7 Hangman! Refresh on planning code, importing modules Repo
8 Caesar Cipher Learned about Positional vs. Keyword Arguments Repo
9 Silent Auction Refresh on dictionaries and nested structures Repo
10 Calculator Learned about Docstrings and how to store a function name as a value in a dictionary Repo
11 Blackjack! Apply knowledge from the previous 10 days Repo
12 Number Guessing Game Refreshed knowledge re: Scope and learned how to modify global variables within functions (although not recommended!) Repo
13 N/A Completed various debugging exercises, no new material learned N/A
14 Higher Lower Game Apply previous knowledge and refreshed debugging skills! Repo

Intermediate 🐥

Day Project Progress Link
15 Coffee Machine Menu Continue practicing previous knowledge and started using pycharm again! Repo
16 Coffee Machine Menu - OOP Intro (refresh) to OOP! Re-did the previous assignment, this time using OOP. Repo
17 Trivia Continue to practice OOP, this time by making a 'modular' trivia quiz app. Repo
18 Hirst Painting Intro to Python GUI/external libraries, refresher on how to use documentation properly Repo
19 Turtle Race Continuing to refresh on using external libraries, reading documentation and applying it correctly to make fun things!!! Repo
20-21 Snake Game Apply OOP knowledge, documentation and small baby steps to make a snake game! Repo
22 Pong! Apply superclass knowledge and how to break up a big project into smaller pieces Repo
23 Turtle Crossing Second Capstone project where I got to apply the acquired knowledge from the last few days on how to create a game from scratch using Turtle Graphics. Repo
24 Mail-Merge Refresh on File I/O and Relative Directories. Also, learned about the replace() function, how handy is that! Repo
25 Guess The State! Intro (and refresh!) on/to pandas library and how to parse through a csv file Repo
26 Nato Alphabet Guide through using list and dict comprehension. I knew about this before, but this lesson truly helped cement the knowledge <3 Repo
27 Mile to Km Converter Intro to tkinter, how to use components. Learn about *args and **kwargs! Build a GUI program using tkinter Repo
28 Pomodoro Timer Tkinter cont. Refresh on strong & dynamic typing :) Repo
29 Password Generator 2.0 Tkinter cont. Building up on GUi knowledge, and improving a previous project by adding a GUI, list comprehension, and other pythonic tricks Repo
30 Improve Nato Alphabet and Password Generator Intro (and refresh!) on try/catch and exception handling. I knew about this, worked on it a bunch in C# and java, but haven't worked on it in Python before Repo Repo
31 Flash Card Study app! Apply knowledge from the last 7 days: Work with files, pandas, tkinter. Repo

Intermediate++ 🐤


Day Project Progress Link
32 Automated Birthday wisher Intro to using smtp in python, refresh on Datetime module. Repo
33 ISS Overhead Notifier Intro to APIs, how to read API docs, retrieve data using GET requests. Repo
34 Quizzler Combine API knowledge and tkinter to create a random trivia GUI that keeps score. Repo
35 Rain Check Intro to API 🔑, environment variables, Twilio API. Repo
36 Stock Trading News Cont. practice to retrieve information using API requests. Repo
37 Habit Tracker Intro to Pixela, cont API 🔑, tips on how to read and ingest API docs. Repo
38 Exercise Tracker Apply knowledge on APIs and env variables while using a brand new API. Repo
39 Capstone I: Flight Tracker Capstone Project Part I! Apply all knowledge learned in the last few days to search for cheap flights using multiple APIs and OOP. Repo
40 Capstone II: Flight Club Capstone Project Part II! Build on the previous day. Added smtp and a sheet sign up to the mix. Repo
41-44 HTML and CSS Brush-up! Refresh on HTML and CSS before moving on with more Python! Personal Site
45 Top 100 Movies to watch! Intro to web scraping, Beautiful Soup and the ethics around it. Repo
46 Spotify Playlist Apply knowledge from the last few days to scrape data from top 100 songs to then create a Spotify Playlist using the Spotipy library. Repo
47 Price Tracker Use beautiful 🥣 to scrape data, keep track of data and use smtp to alert the user when the threshold has been reached. Repo

💻 Web Scraping with Selenium (Deprecated Code) 👩🏻‍

Day Project Progress Link
48 Browser Bot with Selenium Intro to Selenium Library. The lesson unfortunately is currently out of date so I watched the video, did some basic practice but didn't complete the challenge. Repo
49 Bot: Linkedin Similarly to day 48, the code is now old :( I studied the example and went over the docs. I might come later and do my own version of it. Repo
50 Bot: Tinder ... Repo
51 Bot: Twitter ... Repo
52 Bot: Instagram ... Repo
53 Bot: Data Entry ... Repo

Web dev with Flask 🌶

Day Project Progress Link
54 Intro to Flask Refresh on Flask! I worked on Flask a looong time ago, so it's nice to use it again and learn new things about it I didn't know before. Repo
55 Flask: Higher-Lower Dynamic URLs, how to debug, use of PIN. Repo
56 Flask: Name Card Site Rendering HTML files, serving static files, use website templates. Repo
57 Flask: Blog I Jinja, URL building, dynamic HTML Pages. Repo
58 Bootstrap: Tindog Five hour long 🙇🏻‍ web foundations lesson where we refresh on Bootstrap's magic abilities and create a website from scratch! Repo

Advanced 🐔

Web dev with Flask 🌶 cont.

Day Project Progress Link
59 Blog II Apply Flask, Bootstrap to make a revamped blog with better styling. Repo
60 Blog cont.: Contact Form Continue to work on blog. Focus on the Contact form and POST/GET requests within html/Flask Repo
61 Secrets Intro to Flask-WTF Forms. Created a login page from scratch! Repo
62 Coffee & Wifi site Apply knowledge on Flask, WTF-Forms, Bootstrap and CSV file writing to create a simple site where the user can input data and display as a bootstrap table. Repo
63 Book Collection Continue using Flask, this time to practice how to use databases, sqlite3 and SQLAlchemy instead of CSV files to store data. Repo
64 Top Movies Apply knowledge from the last two lessons to create a website that displays top movies by user. Practice Insert, Update, Delete using SQL Alchemy. Repo
65 Web Design School No Project. Instead, Dr. Yu takes us on a ride to Web Design School: Color Theory, Typography, Hierarchy and UX Design. 👩🏼‍🎨 N/A
66 Build an API Intro on how to create an API using Flask. Repo
67 Blog III Build up on the Flask Blog project. Add a database, delete and edit blog buttons. Repo
68 Authentication Intro to Flask Login, authentication + encryption methods, how to securely store passwords. 🔐 Repo
69 Blog IV Build up on the Flask Blog project. Add user authentication, protect paths. Repo
70 Finale: Publish Blog Quick tutorial on how to publish the blog using heroku and git. Site!!

Data Science with Jupyter Notebooks 🪐

Day Project Progress Link
71 Salaries by College Major Pandas refresh and intro to Jupyter Notebook/Colaboratory. Repo
72 Programming Language popularity Build up on previous day's knowledge - Intro to matplotlib. Repo
73 Lego data over the years Aggregate and merge data with Pandas and matplotlib. Repo
74 Google Trends Data resampling and how to visualize a time series. Repo
75 Android App Store Intro to plotly charts. Repo
76 Android App Store Intro to Numpy. Repo
77 Movie budget and revenue data Intro to Seaborn data visualization, scikit-learn. Repo
78 Nobel Prize Intro to bar charts, sunburst charts, Seaborn cont. Repo
79 History of handwashing Intro to histograms, Kernel Density Estimates, SciPy. Repo
80 Predict Housing Market Intro on how to run a multivariable regression. Repo

Portfolio material 📚

Day Project Description Link
81 Morse Code Converter Convert morse code to english and back. Repo