This is a tool for rendering the graphs of the bandaged 3x3x3 cube puzzles. It assumes basic knowledge of the bandage cube concepts and hex notation.
Before using this software please read the Ladislav Dubravský's introduction and blog
The "all_cubes.csv" is generated by processing "Bandage_List.xls" file from twistypuzzles forum.
For more information, search for the topics about bandage cubes on forum, visit budlcuber2 weblog and an archived blog post about the Cubetwist DIY Bandage kit.
Over 100 bandage cubes:PDF Several isometric cubes:PDF
Over 2000 bandage cubes in a 250MB archive of pdf.
Another large archive with almost 3000 bandage cubes with isometric drawing of the cubes is available.
Detailed help:
python3 -h
To generate pdf images of several bandaged cubes (Meffert Bicube and Equator cube):
python3 --file_format pdf 33EC01800846 300C0000000C03
To generate SVG image of cab5-5 cube:
python3 --file_format svg --skip_legend_draw 22006F100000C6
To generate pdf for all named bandage cubes where the graph has less then 10000 nodes from the csv file:
python3 --process_csv_file all_cubes.csv --file_format pdf --skip_cubes_without_names --filter_by_number_of_nodes 0-10000
To generate isometric drawing of all bandaged cubes where the graph has less than 2000 nodes from the csv file:
python3 --cube_draw_projection isometric --filter_by_number_of_nodes 0-2000 --process_csv_file all_cubes.csv --file_format pdf
To generate the Zcube bandaged versions A,B,C:
python3 "1.0.0,1.0.0,0.2.2;1.0.0,1.0.0,0.2.2;0.3.3,0.3.3,0.0.0" #Z-cube bandaged A
python3 "1.2.2,3.4.5,6.4.5;1.7.7,3.4.8,6.4.8;0.9.9,10.11.12,10.11.12" #Z-cube bandaged B (bicube)
python3 "0.0.0,0.0.0,0.0.0;0.0.0,0.1.1,0.1.1;0.0.0,0.1.1,0.1.1" #Z-cube bandaged C
The file "all_cubes.csv" is generated based on the "Bandage List.xls" from
- pydot and graphviz with cairo enabled
- networkx library
- svgwrite library
- bce library from
The software has been tested on Linux.