For this lab, we will be using bam
files output from bowtie2
(a read-mapping program), calling variants with ANGSD
, and then creating a PCA plot and an ADMIXTURE plot. Note that this is a very small sample size for an admixture plot, however, the process would be the same with a larger sample size.
We will be using samfiles that I have already mapped reads to. Reminder, that you should create your own folder in which to run these analyses, ideally in your ~/compute
directory (rather than in the class shared directory).
cd ~/compute
cp -r ~/fsl_groups/fslg_pws472/compute/lab7 ./
cd lab7
We're going to create a file called bamlist.txt
in the angsd
directory. This file will have relative paths to all of the bam files that we will use for this step.
You can create this list with the command:
cd angsd
ls ../variants/*mdup.bam > bamlist.txt
When you create it, if you view it with cat
, it should look something like the following:
Now create a new job file called angsd_geno_like.job
Remember that you can do this with the job script generator from the supercomputer website.
You should choose 4GB of RAM per CPU and 12 CPUs. The ANGSD
command for to call the genotypes for a PCA is:
module load miniconda3/4.12-pws-472
conda activate angsd
angsd -GL 1 -out PCA -nThreads $SLURM_NPROCS -doGlf 2 -doMajorMinor 1 -SNP_pval 1e-6 -doMaf 1 -bam bamlist.txt
To submit the job, use:
sbatch angsd_geno_like.job
When it is complete, look at the files in your directory. You should have three new files: PCA.arg
, PCA.beagle.gz
, and PCA.mafs.gz
. For the next step, we're going to generate a covariance matrix using the beagle file (which contains the genotype likelihoods) using PCAngsd
In this step, we're going to use the PCA.beagle.gz
file to create a covariance matrix in PCAngsd
. To create covariance matrix:
module load miniconda3/4.12-pws-472
conda activate angsd
python ~/fsl_groups/fslg_pws472/apps/miniconda3/envs/angsd/bin/pcangsd-v.0.99/ -b PCA.beagle.gz -o siskin_PCA
After this is finished running, you should have a file in your directory called siskin_PCA.cov
. This is your covariance matrix and can be used to generate your PCA.
You can plot the PCA with an R
script that can be found in ~/fsl_groups/fslg_pws472/compute/lab7/scripts/PCA_plot.r
. Copy it into your angsd
folder. In order to run it, you need to have a list with the sample names in the same order as the original bamlist
, siskin_pop.txt
, in the same directory as the both the script and your covariance matrix. You can copy this file from ~/fsl_groups/fslg_pws472/compute/lab7/angsd/siskin_pop.txt
. You may need to modify this list so that the filenames match perfectly with the file names in your bamlist
conda deactivate
conda activate r
Rscript PCA_plot.r
is now part of the ANGSD
package and can perform admixture analysis using the beagle file of genotype likelihoods that you generated in step 2. cd
into your jobs
directory and create a job file with the following commands. The parameter that you need to think about here is K
, which as you learned in the lecture is the number of ancestral populations. Since we have two populations in this dataset, one from Venezuela and one from Guyana, we will set K
to 2.
module load miniconda3/4.12-pws-472
conda activate angsd
NGSadmix -likes ../angsd/PCA.beagle.gz -K 2 -o ../angsd/siskin_admix -P $SLURM_NPROCS
When the job is finished, you will have a couple of new files in the angsd
directory. siskin_admix.fopt.gz
is a gzipped file that contains the estimated allele frequencies for each population for each locus. siskin_admix.qopt
contains the estimated admixture proportions for each individual.
Now we will create a simple admixture plot using our results from NGSadmix
Copy the script, admix_plot.r
from ~/fsl_groups/fslg_pws472/compute/lab7/scripts/admix_plot.r
to your angsd
Make sure that siskin_pop.txt
is still in your directory. This is another fast script, which is fine to run with qrsh
conda activate r
Rscript admix_plot.r
You will now have a plot in an image called siskin_admix.png
. Feel free to download it and take a look. You will notice that, for these populations, there is very little evidence of admixture with a K
of 2.
We don't have enough individuals to make this very interesting, but re-run number 5 and 6, with different K
numbers. Name the output differently so you don't overwrite your first results. Modify the R
script so that it reads the new file and writes a different image name. What do you notice?
See here for more details.
This lab will combined with lab 8 into a single lab write-up (double the amount of points and double the length). However, feel free to get started with this one. Consider the following as you write it up:
- Your lab write-up should contain clear methods on which analyses you performed and why
- When introducing each method, you should give a short explanation of what the software is actually doing
- Any plots that you generate should be included as figures
For the Discussion:
- Think about what you learned about this population with the PCA. What do you notice? How are the populations clustering? Do you observe any population structure? Does it coincide with geography?
- For the admixture, given there probably isn't enough individuals for a clear result, do you still notice anything? What changes as you change K? How might you get more information in the future?