- Repo dedicated to development's project of Gerencia de Configuração de Software @ Unisinos.
- Instal Git on your machine.
- Check if your machine has Git.
- Go to https://github.com/LuisValgoi/gcs-team
- Fork the project throught the right-up-corner button.
- It will be generated an URL.
- Go to your preference Development Code folder.
- Clone this URL into your machine.
- After cloned this, you will be able to do some changes.
- After you finished your changes, stage it, commit it and push it.
- Go to https://github.com/LuisValgoi/gcs-team
- Click on right-up-corner Pull-Request button.
- Wait for the Repository's Admin, merge your changes.
- Pedro Plumer (Dev)
- Phone: 9 992320-030
- E-mail: pedroplumer@hotmail.com
- Gustavo Spadotto (Dev)
- Phone: 9 9680-5393
- E-mail: gustavo.spadotto@gmail.com
- Felipe Flores (Manager / Build)
- Phone: 9 9661-1076
- E-mail: lipe.flores1992@gmail.com
- E-mail: felipe_flores1992@hotmail.com
- Katieli Dieter (Tester / PO)
- Phone: 9 96309118
- E-mail: Katielidieter@gmail.com
- Luis Valgoi (Dev)
- Phone: 9 97079544
- E-mail: luisvalgoi@outlook.com