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Mattijs Snepvangers edited this page Sep 12, 2017 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Audiophiles' Music Manager wiki!

I've just started learning git(hub), Python and UML so suggestions and useful critique is grately appreciated! My aim is to reply to any questions/suggestions etc within a week.

Audiophiles' Music Manager V0.0.0 pre-Alpha

(c) 2017 Mattijs Snepvangers - pegasus-ict[at]

A Suite that can REALLY manage ALL aspects of a digital Music Collection of ANY size (my collection consists of nearly 500k songs...)


  • Python 3.x
  • Lame codec
  • MySQL Server (preferably local socket connection due to large volume of data)

Included Python Packages:

Nothing yet...


  • N/A

Planned Functionality:

  1. Index files, Purge Non-Audiofiles, Parse/Purge Tags, Store File- & Tag-Data in DB
  2. Generate Audio-Fingerprint, Calculate Audio Quality, Remove Duplicates Based on Quality
  3. Transcode & Normalize
  4. Retrieve Artistnames, Albumtitles, ft. Artists, Composer/writer, Albumart, Lyrics
  5. Integrate Tags & Art in DB, Fix (& Opt Merge) Artistnames & Titles
  6. Insert Tags in Files, Rename & Move Files to target dir structure
  7. GUI, AJAX Interface & Android Client
  8. DLNA media server, MPD/Audacious integration(?)

Future ideas (maybe):

  • Acoustic Optimisation
  • Automagic searching & downloading of missing songs
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