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144 lines (125 loc) · 7.09 KB

Codacy Badge

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Pegasus' Linux Administration Tools is a set of bash scripts that make life easier for the Admin/new user on Ubuntu Server/Desktop derivatives. It's main purpose is to help with bootstrapping systems and tedious repetitive tasks which make up a large portion of Linux administration. Currently there's a Bootstrap script which, as the name suggests, is run right after installing Linux on a computer. This script also generates a maintenance & backup script tailor made to the system's characteristics and roles it will preform.

More information can be found under the news messages. <<updated: 6th of februari 2024>>


[ ] add ubuntu/debiand detection [ ] add version detection [ ] add auto-update


20180313 UPDATE: The BASH version is now V1.0.0-beta

20180312 update:

  • Issue #2 & commit e468f7d22e550d860deda08dc2c4d0def20d797a.
  • Email functionality broken, has been removed for now, will be added again with a later release.
  • All references to the email functionality have been commented out or moved to a temporary file.

  • 20180305 Update:
  • Most of the issues should be gone now.
  • I've added tonnes of features based on and/or inspired by feedback I received through various channels.
  • Constructive criticism and suggestions are very welcome!

Post-Install script:

 Pegasus' Linux Administration Tools - Ver1.0.0-BETA build 20180313 - (c) 2018 Mattijs Snepvangers
    USAGE:	sudo bash -h
        sudo bash -r <systemrole> [ -c <containertype> ] [ -v INT ]
            [ -g <garbageage> ] [ -l <logage> ] [ -t <tmpage> ]


       -r or --role tells the script what kind of system we are dealing with.
          Valid options: ws, zeus, backupserver, container << REQUIRED >>
       -c or --containertype tells the script what kind of container we are working on.
          Valid options are: basic, nas, web, x11, pxe << REQUIRED if -r=container >>
       -v or --verbosity defines the amount of chatter. 0=CRITICAL, 1=WARNING, 2=INFO, 3=VERBOSE,
                4=DEBUG. default=2
       -g or --garbageage defines the age (in days) of garbage (trashbins & temp files) being
                cleaned, default=7
       -l or --logage defines the age (in days) of logs to be purged, default=30
       -t or --tmpage define how long temp files should be untouched before they are deleted,
       -h or --help prints this message

        The options can be used in any order

    All versions:	Edit/add repos & ppas appropriate to systemrole, remove duplicate lines
            Install trash-cli, mc, teamviewer, git, snapd
            apt-get update, upgrade, auto-remove, autoclean

    ws:		Adds maintenance script to anacrontab weekly
            Installs synaptic, tilda, audacious, samba, wine-stable, playonlinux, winetricks

            Adds maintenance script to anacrontab weekly
            Installs staruml, gitkraken, picard, audacity, calibre, fastboot, adb, fslint,
            gadmin-proftpd, geany, gprename, lame, masscan, forensics-all, forensics-extra,
            forensics-extra-gui, forensics-full, chromium-browser, gparted, ssh-server, screen,
            synaptic, tilda, audacious, samba, wine-stable, playonlinux, winetricks

    lxchost:	Installs python3-crontab, lxc, lxcfs, lxd, lxd-tools, bridge-utils, xfsutils-linux,
            criu, apt-cacher-ng, ssh-server, screen
            replaces /etc/network/interfaces with lxcinterfaces file included in this package,
            restarts network to incorporate bridge,
            adds maintenance,
            places container_maintenance file on server

        web:	Installs apache2, phpmyadmin, mysqld, mytop, samba, proftpd, webmin, ssh-server,
        nas:	Installs samba, nfs, proftpd, ssh-server, screen
        pxe:	Installs atftpd, ssh-server, screen
        X11:	Installs ldm, ssh-server, screen
        Basic:	Installs ssh-server, screen

Maintenance scripts:

Maintenance scripts are purpose built by post-install script
All versions:	apt-get update, upgrade, auto-remove, autoclean
        remove 7+ day old trash files, remove temp-files which haven't been accessed in the
        past 2+ days, remove 30+ days old logs
Poseidon/lxdhost: also handles maintenance of containers, first creates snapshots, then maintenance
Backupserver: also handles maintenance of containers, first creates snapshots, then tape backup, then