NCM (Nomenclatura Comum do Mercosul) are codes used to classify products in South America. The NCM is an expansion of the Harmonized System (HS), used worldwide. The NCM has a hierarquical structure, with each category being part of a parent category. Each NCM category is represented by a code of 2,4,6 or 8 digits and has a textual description.
Unfortunately, official sources do not publish easily parseable files with the codes and their names. No Excel, CSV or JSON is available. There are only code-consult webpages and PDF files.
In order to make development of software who use NCM codes easier, I created this project to scrap and parse the tree of NCM codes, as well as the textual descriptions.
- ncms.tsv: The codes, their descriptions and parent codes;
- ncm_tree.json: The NCM tree edges in JSON format, can be loaded using NetworkX library;