An application that allows Rangers to track wildlife sightings in the area.
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this repositorycd WildlifeTracker
To view the page click on the link below
- To run test, run files under tests/java package
1.Launch postgres
2.Type in psql
Run these commands
3. CREATE DATABASE wildlife_tracker;
4. \c wildlife_tracker;
5. CREATE TABLE animals (id serial PRIMARY KEY, name varchar, health varchar, age varchar, type varchar);
6. CREATE TABLE wildlife_tracker=# CREATE TABLE sightings (id serial PRIMARY KEY, animal_id int, location varchar, ranger_name varchar, timestamp timestamp);
7. CREATE DATABASE wildlife_tracker_test WITH TEMPLATE wildlife_tracker;
The applications allow users to do the following:
1.Add a new animal
2.Add an endangered animal
3.Add an animal Sighting
- Quick note that The page loads a bit slow due to the hosting, kindly be a little patient everything works just fine.
- There are currently no tests done for this project.
- As at the time this project was made, responsiveness was not a major concern
- The project is currently not being maintained any more
- Thanks for understanding.
You can contact me at
- This project is licensed under the MIT Open Source license Copyright (c) 2019. LICENCE