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File metadata and controls

185 lines (147 loc) · 5.54 KB


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This package adds support for URL templates to Axios, according to RFC 6570 URI Template specification.

It uses url-template package and wraps it into Axios interceptor.


$ npm install axios-url-template


$ yarn add axios-url-template


import { urlTemplateInterceptor } from "axios-url-template";

// attaching interceptor to Axios global instance

// passing options
  urlAsTemplate: false,

// attaching interceptor to Axios instance
const instance = axios.create({ /* ... */});

// example requests

const response1 = await axios.get('/test/{id}', {
  urlTemplateParams: { id: 123 },
// config:
// {
//   url: '/test/123',
//   urlTemplate: '/test/{id}',
//   urlTemplateParams: { id: 123 }
// }

const response2 = await axios.get('/test{?foo,bar}', {
  urlTemplateParams: { foo: 'foo1', bar: 'bar1' },
// config:
// {
//   url: '/test?foo=foo1&bar=bar1',
//   urlTemplate: '/test{?foo,bar}',
//   urlTemplateParams: { foo: 'foo1', bar: 'bar1' },
// }

const response3 = await axios.request({
  urlTemplate: '/test/{id}',
  urlTemplateParams: { id: 123 },
// config:
// {
//   url: '/test/123',
//   urlTemplate: '/test/{id}',
//   urlTemplateParams: { id: 123 },
// }

Interceptor may be also registered using shortcut method:

import { useUrlTemplateInterceptor } from "axios-url-template";


const instance = axios.create({ /* ... */});
useUrlTemplateInterceptor(instance, { urlAsTemplate: false });


  • urlAsTemplate: when set to true, then url is treated as template and possibly interpolated. When set to false it does not touch url unless urlTemplate is explicitly specified. Default: true.


When urlTemplate (and optional urlTemplateParams) is provided in Axios config object, this interceptor uses it to generate url. Those template fields are persisted in config object, so after execution config will contain all of those fields:

  • url
  • urlTemplate
  • urlTemplateParams - when no parameter are provided it will be an empty object

When urlAsTemplate option is set to true (default), then url will be also treated as url template and passed through interpolation. In this case, urlTemplate and urlTemplateParams will be added accordingly, and url will be replaced with interpolated value, giving the same effect as for urlTemplate.

When no urlTemplate is provided and urlAsTemplate option is set to false then the interceptor passes request config without any changes.

Use cases

This interceptor helps to automate things like structural logging and/or request metrics, where low cardinality route is preferred over full URL with dynamic parts.

When request is performed in traditional way, there is no easy option to retrieve such route from full URL provided in call to Axios. It may be provided as custom fields, but it increases overhead and may generate mistakes.

The interceptor ensures consistency, as actual URL provided to Axios is computed from route (url template) and parameters.

Example (in TypeScript):

import axios, { AxiosResponse } from 'axios';
import { useUrlTemplateInterceptor } from "axios-url-template";

// example logging interceptor
function loggingInterceptor(response: AxiosResponse) {
  const { status, statusText } = response;
  const { urlTemplate, urlTemplateParams } = response.config;
  const url = axios.getUri(response.config);

  const logObject = {
    route: urlTemplate, // low cardinality value is preferred
    routeParams: urlTemplateParams, // dynamic route parts

  // do something with such log object
  console.log(JSON.stringify(logObject, null, 2));

// attach url template interceptor
useUrlTemplateInterceptor(axios, { urlAsTemplate: true })

// attach logging interceptor

async function execute() {
  await axios.get("{status}", {
    urlTemplateParams: { status: 201 },

  await axios.get("{?foo,bar}", {
    urlTemplateParams: { foo: "foo1", bar: "bar1" },
    params: { baz: 'baz1' }, // additional param, not being part of route


  "status": 201,
  "statusText": "Created",
  "url": "",
  "route": "{status}",
  "routeParams": {
    "status": 201
  "status": 200,
  "statusText": "OK",
  "url": "",
  "route": "{?foo,bar}",
  "routeParams": {
    "foo": "foo1",
    "bar": "bar1"
