Conditions are logical blocks which can be combined with other conditions inside a target rule. A condition is expected
to implement match()
method which always returns a boolean.
To implement a condition, you need to implement 2 parts:
- A PHP class implementing the
. Have a look at existing implementations to get an idea how to implement your own conditions. - A frontend JS class defining the admin UI for your condition. You can have a look at this bundle's conditions for UI examples and at the Customer Management Framework as example for a third-party integration.
As stated before, a condition needs to implement the ConditionInterface
The most important method in the interface is the match()
method which receives the current VisitorInfo
instance and
is expected to return a boolean which indicates if the condition matches or not.
As an example let's build a condition which matches if the current time of the day is later than the configured one. E.g.
if configured to 15:00
, the condition would start to match at 15:00
until midnight.
Start by creating a condition class implementing the ConditionInterface
. For simplicity's sake we just check the current
hour, not the full time.
// src/Targeting/Condition/TimeOfTheDay.php
namespace App\Targeting\Condition;
use Pimcore\Bundle\PersonalizationBundle\Targeting\Condition\ConditionInterface;
use Pimcore\Bundle\PersonalizationBundle\Targeting\Model\VisitorInfo;
class TimeOfTheDay implements ConditionInterface
* @var int|null
private $hour;
public function __construct(int $hour = null)
$this->hour = $hour;
public static function fromConfig(array $config): self
$hour = $config['hour'] ?? null;
if (!empty($hour)) {
$hour = (int)$hour;
// build an instance from the config as configured
// in the admin UI
return new self($hour);
public function canMatch(): bool
// basic validation if the condition is able to match
return null !== $this->hour && $this->hour >= 0 && $this->hour <= 23;
public function match(VisitorInfo $visitorInfo): bool
$hour = (int)(new \DateTime())->format('H');
return $hour >= $this->hour;
After implementing your condition, you need to register it to the system with the following configuration. The identifier
will later be used from your JS implementation, so make sure you choose a unique name and to reuse the same
name when implementing the JS class.
timeoftheday: App\Targeting\Condition\TimeOfTheDay
When an instance of your condition is build, by default the ConditionFactory
will call the static fromConfig()
method with the data configured in the admin UI. Avoid injecting any services or
custom data into your condition and use the data provider system instead to add data to the VisitorInfo
. However, if
you need more control over how your condition is built you can either:
- overwrite the
service definition (not recommended) and implement your own logic instead of callingfromConfig()
- or handle the
event and set an instance of your condition on the event. TheBuildConditionEvent
contains all the info you need to build a condition instance (type, class name, config data). If you set a condition on the event viasetCondition
, the standard logic will be omitted and the event condition will be used.
If your condition needs any outside data, implement the DataProviderDependentInterface
and define a list of data provider keys which need to be set on the VisitorInfo
before matching. We'll enhance our TimeOfTheDay
condition on the Data Providers chapter. For further examples, you can take a look at existing core conditions.
An important part are variable conditions
which support the session_with_variables
rule matching scope. A condition implementing this interface is expected to return
an array of the variables which led to match the condition in the getMatchedVariables()
method. This data will be used
to determine if the rule was already applied with the exact same data.
You should implement this interface whenever possible. To get started, you can use the AbstractVariableCondition
which contains helper methods to collect variable data. Make sure you build your data in a deterministic way (e.g. using
the same order of keys in an array structure or the same format when serializing data) as a hash of this data is used to
compare it to previous evaluations in order to decide if a rule needs to be applied.
As example: the country condition sets the ISO country code which led to match as its data (based on GeoLocation). If a
rule is executed in the session_with_variables
scope the the country condition is the only condition on that rule, it won't
be executed twice for the same resolved country.
Taking our TimeOfTheDay
condition, it can easily be enhanced to store variables. The variable we'll store will be the
resolved current hour.
namespace App\Targeting\Condition;
use Pimcore\Bundle\PersonalizationBundle\Targeting\Condition\AbstractVariableCondition;
use Pimcore\Bundle\PersonalizationBundle\Targeting\Model\VisitorInfo;
class TimeOfTheDay extends AbstractVariableCondition
// ...
public function match(VisitorInfo $visitorInfo): bool
$hour = (int)(new \DateTime())->format('H');
if ($hour >= $this->hour) {
$this->setMatchedVariable('hour', $hour);
return true;
return false;
To make your condition configurable, you need to create a JS class defining the admin interface for your condition. To do
so, create a class extending pimcore.bundle.personalization.settings.condition.abstract
and register it to the system by calling
Have a look at this bundle's conditions and the Customer Management Framework for examples.
Start by adding a new JS file implementing the admin UI panel for your condition:
// /public/js/targeting/conditions.js
(function () {
'use strict';
Class.create(pimcore.bundle.personalization.settings.condition.abstract, {
getName: function () {
return 'Time of the Day';
getPanel: function (panel, data) {
var id =;
var storeData = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
storeData.push([i, i]);
return new Ext.form.FormPanel({
id: id,
forceLayout: true,
style: 'margin: 10px 0 0 0',
bodyStyle: 'padding: 10px 30px 10px 30px; min-height:40px;',
tbar: pimcore.bundle.personalization.settings.conditions.getTopBar(this, id, panel, data),
items: [
name: 'hour',
fieldLabel: 'Hour',
xtype: 'combo',
store: storeData,
mode: 'local',
width: 300,
value: ('undefined' !== typeof data.hour) ? data.hour : 0,
editable: false,
triggerAction: 'all'
xtype: 'displayfield',
hideLabel: true,
value: 'Matches if the current hour is >= the configured one.',
cls: 'pimcore_extra_label'
xtype: 'hidden',
name: 'type',
value: 'timeoftheday' // the identifier chosen before when registering the PHP class
As soon as you configured Pimcore to load the newly created file you should see your new condition in the list of available conditions: