diff --git a/functions-and-operators/encryption-and-compression-functions.md b/functions-and-operators/encryption-and-compression-functions.md
index 342a6f6ceff06..1bb01cfda4b46 100644
--- a/functions-and-operators/encryption-and-compression-functions.md
+++ b/functions-and-operators/encryption-and-compression-functions.md
@@ -10,32 +10,420 @@ TiDB supports most of the [encryption and compression functions](https://dev.mys
## Supported functions
-| Name | Description |
-| [`MD5()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_md5) | Calculate MD5 checksum |
-| [`PASSWORD()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_password) | Calculate and return a password string |
-| [`RANDOM_BYTES()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_random-bytes) | Return a random byte vector |
-| [`SHA1(), SHA()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_sha1) | Calculate an SHA-1 160-bit checksum |
-| [`SHA2()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_sha2) | Calculate an SHA-2 checksum |
-| [`SM3()`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SM3_(hash_function)) | Calculate an SM3 checksum (currently MySQL does not support this function) |
-| [`AES_DECRYPT()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_aes-decrypt) | Decrypt using AES |
-| [`AES_ENCRYPT()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_aes-encrypt) | Encrypt using AES |
-| [`COMPRESS()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_compress) | Return result as a binary string |
-| [`UNCOMPRESS()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_uncompress) | Uncompress a string compressed |
-| [`UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_uncompressed-length) | Return the length of a string before compression |
-| [`VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_validate-password-strength) | Validate the password strength |
-## Related system variables
-The [`block_encryption_mode`](/system-variables.md#block_encryption_mode) variable sets the encryption mode that is used for `AES_ENCRYPT()` and `AES_DECRYPT()`.
-The [`validate_password.*`](/system-variables.md) variables affect the `VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH()` function.
+| Name | Description |
+| [`AES_DECRYPT()`](#aes_decrypt) | Decrypt using AES |
+| [`AES_ENCRYPT()`](#aes_encrypt) | Encrypt using AES |
+| [`COMPRESS()`](#compress) | Compress and return result as a binary string |
+| [`MD5()`](#md5) | Calculate MD5 checksum |
+| [`PASSWORD()`](#password) | Calculate and return a password string |
+| [`RANDOM_BYTES()`](#random_bytes) | Return a random byte vector |
+| [`SHA()`](#sha) | Calculate an SHA-1 160-bit checksum |
+| [`SHA1()`](#sha1) | Calculate an SHA-1 160-bit checksum |
+| [`SHA2()`](#sha2) | Calculate an SHA-2 checksum |
+| [`SM3()`](#sm3) | Calculate an SM3 checksum |
+| [`UNCOMPRESS()`](#uncompress) | Uncompress a compressed string |
+| [`UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH()`](#uncompressed_length) | Return the length of a string before compression |
+| [`VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH()`](#validate_password_strength) | Validate the password strength |
+### [`AES_DECRYPT()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_aes-decrypt)
+The `AES_DECRYPT(data, key [,iv])` function decrypts `data` that was previously encrypted using the [`AES_ENCRYPT()`](#aes_encrypt) function with the same `key`.
+You can use the [`block_encryption_mode`](/system-variables.md#block_encryption_mode) system variable to select the [Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard) encryption mode.
+For encryption modes that require an initialization vector, set it with the `iv` argument. The default value is `NULL`.
+SELECT AES_DECRYPT(0x28409970815CD536428876175F1A4923, 'secret');
+| AES_DECRYPT(0x28409970815CD536428876175F1A4923, 'secret') |
+| 0x616263 |
+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
+### [`AES_ENCRYPT()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_aes-encrypt)
+The `AES_ENCRYPT(data, key [,iv])` function encrypts `data` with `key` using the [Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard) algorithm.
+You can use the [`block_encryption_mode`](/system-variables.md#block_encryption_mode) system variable to select the AES encryption mode.
+For encryption modes that require an initialization vector, set it with the `iv` argument. The default value is `NULL`.
+SELECT AES_ENCRYPT(0x616263,'secret');
+| AES_ENCRYPT(0x616263,'secret') |
+| 0x28409970815CD536428876175F1A4923 |
+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
+### [`COMPRESS()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_compress)
+The `COMPRESS(expr)` function returns a compressed version of the input data `expr`.
+- If the argument is `NULL`, the function returns `NULL`.
+- If the argument is an empty string, the function returns a zero-length value.
+For non-zero length argument, the function returns a binary string with the following structure:
+- Bytes 0 to 3: the uncompressed length
+- Bytes 4 to the end: the zlib compressed data
+| COMPRESS(0x414243) |
+| 0x03000000789C72747206040000FFFF018D00C7 |
+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
+In this output, `0x03000000` represents the uncompressed length (3) and `0x789C72747206040000FFFF018D00C7` is the zlib compressed data.
+An example of using Python to decode this outside of TiDB:
+import codecs
+import zlib
+data = codecs.decode('03000000789C72747206040000FFFF018D00C7','hex')
+print(int.from_bytes(data[:4], byteorder='little')) # 3
+print(zlib.decompress(data[4:])) # b'ABC'
+For short strings, `COMPRESS()` might return more bytes than the input. The following example shows that a string of 100 `a` characters compresses to 19 bytes.
+WITH x AS (SELECT REPEAT('a',100) 'a')
+| 100 | 19 |
+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
+### [`MD5()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_md5)
+The `MD5(expr)` function calculates a 128-bit [MD5](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5) hash for the given argument `expr`.
+SELECT MD5('abc');
+| MD5('abc') |
+| 900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72 |
+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
+### [`PASSWORD()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html#function_password)
+> **Warning:**
+> This function is deprecated in MySQL 5.7 and removed in MySQL 8.0. It is deprecated in TiDB. It is not recommended to use this function.
+The `PASSWORD(str)` function calculates a password hash that can be used with the `mysql_native_password` authentication method.
+| PASSWORD('secret') |
+| *14E65567ABDB5135D0CFD9A70B3032C179A49EE7 |
+1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
+Warning (Code 1681): PASSWORD is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
+### [`RANDOM_BYTES()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_random-bytes)
+The `RANDOM_BYTES(n)` function returns `n` random bytes.
+| 0x1DBC0D |
+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
+### [`SHA()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_sha1)
+The `SHA()` function is an alias for [`SHA1`](#sha1).
+### [`SHA1()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_sha1)
+The `SHA1(expr)` function calculates a 160-bit [SHA-1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-1) hash for the given argument `expr`.
+SELECT SHA1('abc');
+| SHA1('abc') |
+| a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d |
+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
+### [`SHA2()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_sha2)
+The `SHA2(str, n)` function calculates a hash using an algorithm from the [SHA-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2) family. The `n` argument is used to select the algorithm. `SHA2()` returns `NULL` if any of the arguments are `NULL` or if the algorithm selected by `n` is unknown or unsupported.
+The following lists supported algorithms:
+| n | Algorithm |
+| 0 | SHA-256 |
+| 224 | SHA-224 |
+| 256 | SHA-256 |
+| 384 | SHA-384 |
+| 512 | SHA-512 |
+SELECT SHA2('abc',224);
+| SHA2('abc',224) |
+| 23097d223405d8228642a477bda255b32aadbce4bda0b3f7e36c9da7 |
+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
+### `SM3()`
+> **Note:**
+> The `SM3()` function is a TiDB extension and is not implemented in MySQL.
+The `SM3(str)` function calculates a 256-bit [ShangMi 3 (SM3)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SM3_(hash_function)) hash for the given argument `str`.
+SELECT SM3('abc');
+| SM3('abc') |
+| 66c7f0f462eeedd9d1f2d46bdc10e4e24167c4875cf2f7a2297da02b8f4ba8e0 |
+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
+### [`UNCOMPRESS()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_uncompress)
+The `UNCOMPRESS(data)` function decompresses the data that was compressed with the [`COMPRESS()`](#compress) function.
+SELECT UNCOMPRESS(0x03000000789C72747206040000FFFF018D00C7);
+| UNCOMPRESS(0x03000000789C72747206040000FFFF018D00C7) |
+| 0x414243 |
+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
+### [`UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_uncompressed-length)
+The `UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH(data)` function returns the first 4 bytes of the compressed data, which store the length that the compressed string had before being compressed with the [`COMPRESS()`](#compress) function.
+SELECT UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH(0x03000000789C72747206040000FFFF018D00C7);
+| UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH(0x03000000789C72747206040000FFFF018D00C7) |
+| 3 |
+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
+### [`VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_validate-password-strength)
+The `VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH(str)` function is used as part of [password management](/password-management.md). It calculates the strength of a password and returns a value between 0 and 100.
+The `VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH(str)` function is used as part of password management. It calculates the strength of a password and returns a value between 0 and 100.
+The [`validate_password.*`](/system-variables.md) system variables affect the behavior of the `VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH()` function.
+- To enable the password complexity check, set the [`validate_password.enable`](/system-variables.md#validate_passwordenable-new-in-v650) system variable to `ON`:
+ ```sql
+ SET GLOBAL validate_password.enable=ON;
+ ```
+- View password validation-related system variables:
+ ```sql
+ SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'validate_password.%';
+ ```
+ ```
+ +--------------------------------------+--------+
+ | Variable_name | Value |
+ +--------------------------------------+--------+
+ | validate_password.check_user_name | ON |
+ | validate_password.dictionary | |
+ | validate_password.enable | ON |
+ | validate_password.length | 8 |
+ | validate_password.mixed_case_count | 1 |
+ | validate_password.number_count | 1 |
+ | validate_password.policy | MEDIUM |
+ | validate_password.special_char_count | 1 |
+ +--------------------------------------+--------+
+ 8 rows in set (0.01 sec)
+ ```
+- Check the password strength of an empty string, which returns `0`:
+ ```sql
+ ```
+ ```
+ +--------------------------------+
+ +--------------------------------+
+ | 0 |
+ +--------------------------------+
+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
+ ```
+- Check the password strength of a short string `abcdef`, which returns `25`:
+ ```sql
+ ```
+ ```
+ +--------------------------------------+
+ +--------------------------------------+
+ | 25 |
+ +--------------------------------------+
+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
+ ```
+- Check the password strength of a longer string `abcdefghi`, which returns `50`. This string is longer than the default value of [`validate_password.length`](/system-variables.md#validate_passwordlength-new-in-v650):
+ ```sql
+ ```
+ ```
+ +-----------------------------------------+
+ +-----------------------------------------+
+ | 50 |
+ +-----------------------------------------+
+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
+ ```
+- Adding an upper-case character to the string does not improve the password strength:
+ ```sql
+ ```
+ ```
+ +-----------------------------------------+
+ +-----------------------------------------+
+ | 50 |
+ +-----------------------------------------+
+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec)
+ ```
+- Adding numbers to the string also does not improve the password strength:
+ ```sql
+ ```
+ ```
+ +--------------------------------------------+
+ +--------------------------------------------+
+ | 50 |
+ +--------------------------------------------+
+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
+ ```
+- Finally, adding special characters to the string brings the password strength to `100`, indicating a strong password:
+ ```sql
+ ```
+ ```
+ +-----------------------------------------------+
+ | VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH('Abcdefghi123%$#') |
+ +-----------------------------------------------+
+ | 100 |
+ +-----------------------------------------------+
+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
+ ```
## Unsupported functions
-* `DES_DECRYPT()`, `DES_ENCRYPT()`, `OLD_PASSWORD()`, `ENCRYPT()`: these functions were deprecated in MySQL 5.7 and removed in 8.0.
-* Functions only available in MySQL Enterprise [Issue #2632](https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/issues/2632).
+* TiDB does not support the functions only available in MySQL Enterprise [Issue #2632](https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/issues/2632).
## MySQL compatibility
* TiDB does not support the `STATEMENT_DIGEST()` and `STATEMENT_DIGEST_TEXT()` functions.
+* TiDB does not support the `kdf_name`, `salt`, and `iterations` arguments for [`AES_ENCRYPT()`](#aes_encrypt) and [`AES_DECRYPT`](#aes_decrypt) that MySQL added in MySQL 8.0.30.
+* MySQL does not implement the [`SM3()`](#sm3) function.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/functions-and-operators/expressions-pushed-down.md b/functions-and-operators/expressions-pushed-down.md
index 54f50fcb12ac9..188dc74fd5117 100644
--- a/functions-and-operators/expressions-pushed-down.md
+++ b/functions-and-operators/expressions-pushed-down.md
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ TiFlash also supports pushdown for the functions and operators [listed on this p
| [Date and time functions](/functions-and-operators/date-and-time-functions.md) | [DATE()](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/date-and-time-functions.html#function_date)
[YEAR()](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/date-and-time-functions.html#function_year) |
| [String functions](/functions-and-operators/string-functions.md) | [ASCII()](/functions-and-operators/string-functions.md#ascii)
[NOT LIKE](/functions-and-operators/string-functions.md#not-like)
[NOT REGEXP](/functions-and-operators/string-functions.md#not-regexp)
[RIGHT()](/functions-and-operators/string-functions.md#right), [RLIKE](/functions-and-operators/string-functions.md#rlike)
[UPPER()](/functions-and-operators/string-functions.md#upper) |
| [Aggregation functions](/functions-and-operators/aggregate-group-by-functions.md#aggregate-group-by-functions) | [COUNT()](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/aggregate-functions.html#function_count)
[JSON_OBJECTAGG(key, value)](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/aggregate-functions.html#function_json-objectagg) |
-| [Encryption and compression functions](/functions-and-operators/encryption-and-compression-functions.md#encryption-and-compression-functions) | [MD5()](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_md5)
[SHA1(), SHA()](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_sha1)
[UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH()](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_uncompressed-length) |
+| [Encryption and compression functions](/functions-and-operators/encryption-and-compression-functions.md#encryption-and-compression-functions) | [MD5()](/functions-and-operators/encryption-and-compression-functions.md#md5)
[SHA1(), SHA()](/functions-and-operators/encryption-and-compression-functions.md#sha1)
[UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH()](/functions-and-operators/encryption-and-compression-functions.md#uncompressed_length) |
| [Cast functions and operators](/functions-and-operators/cast-functions-and-operators.md#cast-functions-and-operators) | [CAST()](/functions-and-operators/cast-functions-and-operators.md#cast)
[CONVERT()](/functions-and-operators/cast-functions-and-operators.md#convert) |
| [Miscellaneous functions](/functions-and-operators/miscellaneous-functions.md#supported-functions) | [UUID()](/functions-and-operators/miscellaneous-functions.md#uuid) |
diff --git a/password-management.md b/password-management.md
index 12df3b05d02ec..2d839d8989fd2 100644
--- a/password-management.md
+++ b/password-management.md
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Password complexity check is disabled by default in TiDB. By configuring system
The password complexity policy has the following features:
- For SQL statements that set user passwords in plaintext (including `CREATE USER`, `ALTER USER`, and `SET PASSWORD`), TiDB checks the passwords against the password complexity policy. If a password does not meet the requirements, the password is rejected.
-- You can use the SQL function [`VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH()`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html#function_validate-password-strength) to validate the password strength.
+- You can use the SQL function [`VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH()`](/functions-and-operators/encryption-and-compression-functions.md#validate_password_strength) to validate the password strength.
> **Note:**
@@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ ERROR 1819 (HY000): Require Password Length: 8
### Password strength validation function
-To check the password strength, you can use the `VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH()` function. This function accepts a password argument and returns an integer from 0 (weak) to 100 (strong).
+To check the password strength, you can use the [`VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH()`](/functions-and-operators/encryption-and-compression-functions.md#validate_password_strength) function. This function accepts a password argument and returns an integer from 0 (weak) to 100 (strong).
> **Note:**
> This function evaluates the password strength based on the current password complexity policy. If the password complexity policy is changed, the same password might get different evaluation results.
-The following example shows how to use the `VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH()` function:
+The following example shows how to use the [`VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH()`](/functions-and-operators/encryption-and-compression-functions.md#validate_password_strength) function:
diff --git a/system-variables.md b/system-variables.md
index e5c4fc32344e3..6d311213a771e 100644
--- a/system-variables.md
+++ b/system-variables.md
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ mysql> SELECT * FROM t1;
- Type: Enumeration
- Default value: `aes-128-ecb`
- Value options: `aes-128-ecb`, `aes-192-ecb`, `aes-256-ecb`, `aes-128-cbc`, `aes-192-cbc`, `aes-256-cbc`, `aes-128-ofb`, `aes-192-ofb`, `aes-256-ofb`, `aes-128-cfb`, `aes-192-cfb`, `aes-256-cfb`
-- This variable sets the encryption mode for the built-in functions `AES_ENCRYPT()` and `AES_DECRYPT()`.
+- This variable sets the encryption mode for the built-in functions [`AES_ENCRYPT()`](/functions-and-operators/encryption-and-compression-functions.md#aes_encrypt) and [`AES_DECRYPT()`](/functions-and-operators/encryption-and-compression-functions.md#aes_decrypt).
### character_set_client