diff --git a/.changeset/spotty-spoons-chew.md b/.changeset/spotty-spoons-chew.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5cfcf204b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.changeset/spotty-spoons-chew.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+"uploadthing": patch
+fix: run `onUploadBegin`
diff --git a/docs/src/app/(docs)/api-reference/client/page.mdx b/docs/src/app/(docs)/api-reference/client/page.mdx
index 0a05ccee86..8b42ae83e9 100644
--- a/docs/src/app/(docs)/api-reference/client/page.mdx
+++ b/docs/src/app/(docs)/api-reference/client/page.mdx
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ is an options object:
An abort signal to abort the upload.
Callback function called after the presigned URLs have been retrieved, just before
- the files are uploaded to the storage provider.
+ the file is uploaded. Called once per file.
returned are the files that will be uploaded, meaning you can use this to
e.g. rename or resize the files.
- Callback function called after the presigned URLs have been retrieved, just
- before the files are uploaded to the storage provider.
+ Callback function called after the presigned URLs have been retrieved, just before
+ the file is uploaded. Called once per file.
Disables the button.
@@ -405,9 +405,9 @@ export const OurUploadDropzone = () => (
returned are the files that will be uploaded, meaning you can use this to
e.g. rename or resize the files.
- Callback function called after the presigned URLs have been retrieved, just
- before the files are uploaded to the storage provider.
+ Callback function called after the presigned URLs have been retrieved, just before
+ the file is uploaded. Called once per file.
Disables the button.
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ is an options object:
Callback function that gets continuously called as the file is uploaded to
the storage provider.
Callback function called after the presigned URLs have been retrieved, just
before the files are uploaded to the storage provider.
@@ -565,8 +565,8 @@ export function MultiUploader() {
onUploadError: () => {
alert("error occurred while uploading");
- onUploadBegin: () => {
- alert("upload has begun");
+ onUploadBegin: ({ file }) => {
+ console.log("upload has begun for", file);
diff --git a/packages/react/test/upload-button.test.tsx b/packages/react/test/upload-button.test.tsx
index 36c4630211..db05b92ba7 100644
--- a/packages/react/test/upload-button.test.tsx
+++ b/packages/react/test/upload-button.test.tsx
@@ -31,7 +31,13 @@ const testRouter = {
pdf: f({ "application/pdf": {} }).onUploadComplete(noop),
multi: f({ image: { maxFileCount: 4 } }).onUploadComplete(noop),
-const routeHandler = createRouteHandler({ router: testRouter });
+const routeHandler = createRouteHandler({
+ router: testRouter,
+ config: {
+ token:
+ "eyJhcHBJZCI6ImFwcC0xIiwiYXBpS2V5Ijoic2tfZm9vIiwicmVnaW9ucyI6WyJmcmExIl19",
+ },
const UploadButton = generateUploadButton();
const utGet = vi.fn<(req: Request) => void>();
@@ -44,13 +50,16 @@ const server = setupServer(
return routeHandler(request);
http.post("/api/uploadthing", async ({ request }) => {
- const body = await request.json();
+ const body = await request.clone().json();
utPost({ request, body });
- return HttpResponse.json([
- // empty array, we're not testing the upload endpoint here
- // we have other tests for that...
- ]);
+ return routeHandler(request);
+ http.all<{ key: string }>(
+ "https://fra1.ingest.uploadthing.com/:key",
+ ({ request, params }) => {
+ return HttpResponse.json({ url: "https://utfs.io/f/" + params.key });
+ },
+ ),
beforeAll(() => server.listen());
@@ -203,6 +212,25 @@ describe("UploadButton - lifecycle hooks", () => {
+ it("onUploadBegin runs before uploading", async () => {
+ const onUploadBegin = vi.fn();
+ const utils = render(
+ ,
+ );
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(utils.getByText("Choose File(s)")).toBeInTheDocument();
+ });
+ fireEvent.change(utils.getByLabelText("Choose File(s)"), {
+ target: { files: [new File([""], "foo.png"), new File([""], "bar.png")] },
+ });
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(onUploadBegin).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
+ });
+ expect(onUploadBegin).toHaveBeenCalledWith("foo.png");
+ expect(onUploadBegin).toHaveBeenCalledWith("bar.png");
+ });
describe("UploadButton - Theming", () => {
diff --git a/packages/uploadthing/src/internal/upload.browser.ts b/packages/uploadthing/src/internal/upload.browser.ts
index 1b20257637..bb999a8339 100644
--- a/packages/uploadthing/src/internal/upload.browser.ts
+++ b/packages/uploadthing/src/internal/upload.browser.ts
@@ -146,22 +146,32 @@ export const uploadFilesInternal = <
(presigned, i) =>
- uploadFile(
- opts.files[i],
- presigned,
- {
- onUploadProgress: (ev) => {
- totalLoaded += ev.delta;
- opts.onUploadProgress?.({
- file: opts.files[i],
- progress: Math.round((ev.loaded / opts.files[i].size) * 100),
- loaded: ev.loaded,
- delta: ev.delta,
- totalLoaded,
- totalProgress: Math.round((totalLoaded / totalSize) * 100),
- });
- },
- },
+ Micro.flatMap(
+ Micro.sync(() =>
+ opts.onUploadBegin?.({ file: opts.files[i].name }),
+ ),
+ () =>
+ uploadFile(
+ opts.files[i],
+ presigned,
+ {
+ onUploadProgress: (ev) => {
+ totalLoaded += ev.delta;
+ opts.onUploadProgress?.({
+ file: opts.files[i],
+ progress: Math.round(
+ (ev.loaded / opts.files[i].size) * 100,
+ ),
+ loaded: ev.loaded,
+ delta: ev.delta,
+ totalLoaded,
+ totalProgress: Math.round(
+ (totalLoaded / totalSize) * 100,
+ ),
+ });
+ },
+ },
+ ),
{ concurrency: 6 },
diff --git a/packages/uploadthing/test/client.test.ts b/packages/uploadthing/test/client.test.ts
index 751509f891..2d72bc8fb8 100644
--- a/packages/uploadthing/test/client.test.ts
+++ b/packages/uploadthing/test/client.test.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import type { AddressInfo } from "node:net";
import express from "express";
-import { describe, expect, expectTypeOf, it as rawIt } from "vitest";
+import { describe, expect, expectTypeOf, it as rawIt, vi } from "vitest";
import { genUploader } from "../src/client";
import { createRouteHandler, createUploadthing } from "../src/express";
@@ -34,6 +34,13 @@ export const setupUTServer = async () => {
+ multi: f({ text: { maxFileSize: "16MB", maxFileCount: 2 } })
+ .middleware((opts) => {
+ middlewareMock(opts);
+ return {};
+ })
+ .onUploadError(onErrorMock)
+ .onUploadComplete(uploadCompleteMock),
withServerData: f(
{ text: { maxFileSize: "4MB" } },
{ awaitServerData: true },
@@ -264,6 +271,21 @@ describe("uploadFiles", () => {
await close();
+ it("handles too many files errors", async ({ db }) => {
+ const { uploadFiles, close } = await setupUTServer();
+ const file1 = new File(["foo"], "foo.txt", { type: "text/plain" });
+ const file2 = new File(["bar"], "bar.txt", { type: "text/plain" });
+ await expect(
+ uploadFiles("foo", { files: [file1, file2] }),
+ ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(
+ `[UploadThingError: Invalid config: FileCountMismatch]`,
+ );
+ await close();
+ });
it("handles invalid file type errors", async ({ db }) => {
const { uploadFiles, close } = await setupUTServer();
@@ -277,4 +299,38 @@ describe("uploadFiles", () => {
await close();
+ it("runs onUploadBegin before uploading (single file)", async () => {
+ const { uploadFiles, close } = await setupUTServer();
+ const file = new File(["foo"], "foo.txt", { type: "text/plain" });
+ const onUploadBegin = vi.fn();
+ await uploadFiles("foo", {
+ files: [file],
+ onUploadBegin,
+ });
+ expect(onUploadBegin).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ file: "foo.txt" });
+ await close();
+ });
+ it("runs onUploadBegin before uploading (multi file)", async () => {
+ const { uploadFiles, close } = await setupUTServer();
+ const file1 = new File(["foo"], "foo.txt", { type: "text/plain" });
+ const file2 = new File(["bar"], "bar.txt", { type: "text/plain" });
+ const onUploadBegin = vi.fn();
+ await uploadFiles("multi", {
+ files: [file1, file2],
+ onUploadBegin,
+ });
+ expect(onUploadBegin).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ file: "foo.txt" });
+ expect(onUploadBegin).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ file: "bar.txt" });
+ await close();
+ });