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I'm new to Python internals, so the tutorial may contain mistakes and clunky solutions.

Tail call optimization

A tail call happens when a function calls another as its last action, so it has nothing else to do:

def g():
   return f()

Tail call optimization eliminates the need for adding a new stack frame to the call stack. This is useful for writing recursive functions:

def fact(n, acc):
    if n == 1:
        return acc
    return fact(n-1, acc*n)

Altrough Guido Van Rossum considers tail call optimizatoin as unpythonic, it's interesting to implement it for educational purposes. Let's start.


We are going to modify three steps of python inperpreter:

  1. Introduce a new TAIL_CALL bytecode opeartor to python vm
  2. Add an optimization to compiler, that inserts TAIL_CALL to code
  3. Implement an interpretator for the new bytecode


Clone the CPython repo and checkout to a new branch.

$ git clone && cd cpython
$ git checkout tags/v3.12.1 -b tail-call

A new bytecode instruction

About bytecodes

Python source code is compiled into bytecode. Bytecode is a set of insturctions for the python vm. For example, check how f(a, b) is represented:

>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis("f(a, b)")
  0           0 RESUME                   0

  1           2 PUSH_NULL
              4 LOAD_NAME                0 (f)
              6 LOAD_NAME                1 (a)
              8 LOAD_NAME                2 (b)
             10 PRECALL                  2
             14 CALL                     2
             24 RETURN_VALUE

These instructions are telling an interpreter to:

  1. Load a function to a value stack using LOAD_NAME
  2. Load value of a to the value stack using LOAD_NAME
  3. Load value of b to the value stack using LOAD_NAME
  4. Call the function using CALL with 2 arguments.

TAIL_CALL defenition

Let's introduce a new bytecode instruction. The Python/bytecodes.c contains defenitions and interpretations of python bytecodes. It's written in a custom syntax.

Since we're interested in calls, let's introduce an TAIL_CALL by blank copy of regular CALL

  macro(CALL) = _SPECIALIZE_CALL + unused/2 + _CALL;
+ macro(TAIL_CALL) =  _SPECIALIZE_CALL + unused/2 + _CALL;

Next, run make regen-cases to translate the Python/bytecodes.c to a propper c code. Let's have a look what is changed.

First, it defined a new bytecode. For example, in the Include/opcode_ids.h

+#define TAIL_CALL                              116

Second, it defined how to interpret the new bytecode in the Python/generated_cases.c.h. This file contains functions for the interptetiner.

+        TARGET(TAIL_CALL) {
+            _Py_CODEUNIT *this_instr = frame->instr_ptr = next_instr;
+            next_instr += 4;
+            PyObject **args;
+            PyObject *self_or_null;
+            PyObject *callable;
+            PyObject *res;


The other important step is to update the imporlib after introducing the new bytecode. Since some Python libraries are frozen and linked to the Python interpreter, it is necessary to freeze them after any bytecode updates.

Change MAGIC_NUMBER constant in the Lib/importlib/ This will lead to .pyc files with the old MAGIC_NUMBER to be recompiled by the interpreter on import.

Then, run make regen-importlib.

Flowgraph optimization

According to the CPython devguide control flow graph is an intermediate result of python source code compilation. CFGs are usually one step away from final code output, and are perfect place to perfom a code optimization.

Look to the to the Python/flowgraph.c/_PyCfg_OptimizeCodeUnit. The function updates code graph: removes unused condsts, insterts super instructions, etc.

_PyCfg_OptimizeCodeUnit(cfg_builder *g, PyObject *consts, PyObject *const_cache,
                        int nlocals, int nparams, int firstlineno)
    RETURN_IF_ERROR(optimize_cfg(g, consts, const_cache, firstlineno));
    RETURN_IF_ERROR(remove_unused_consts(g->g_entryblock, consts));
            g->g_entryblock, nlocals, nparams));

Insert a new optimization optimize_tail_call:

            g->g_entryblock, nlocals, nparams));
+   optimize_tail_call(g);

And define it. The goal is to replace CALL→RETURN sequence to TAIL_CALL→RETURN:

static void
optimize_tail_call(cfg_builder *g)
    for (basicblock *b = g->g_entryblock; b != NULL; b = b->b_next) {

        for (int i = 0; i < b->b_iused; i++) {
            cfg_instr *inst = &b->b_instr[i];
            int nextop = i+1 < b->b_iused ? b->b_instr[i+1].i_opcode : 0;
            if (inst->i_opcode == CALL && nextop == RETURN_VALUE) {
                    INSTR_SET_OP1(inst, TAIL_CALL, inst->i_oparg);

Let's check if the new optimizaiton is working.

Recompile cpython with make -j6

And check the new optimization with dis module:

>>> def f():
...    return g():

>>> dis.dis(f)

1           RESUME                   0

2           LOAD_GLOBAL              1 (g + NULL)
            TAIL_CALL                0

Perfect. Let's move to the final step.

Implement an interpretator for the new bytecode

As previously mentioned, the Python/bytecodes.c file contains definitions and interpretations of Python bytecodes. Currently, we are using a blank copy of CALL interptetier as TAIL_CALL. First, let's understand how it works.

How CALL works

A bit of terminology. Call frame is a structure that represents a function call's execution context: local variables, function arguments etc.

Value stack is a list of pointers to python objects, that instructions operates. For example,

The Python/bytecodes.c/_CALL manipulaets both structures. In summary, it does three things:

  1. Creates a new call frame and pushes it to the call stack
  2. Consumes arguments from the current frame's value stack
  3. Passes control to the new frame
//  Creates a new call frame and pushes it to the call stack
int code_flags = ((PyCodeObject*)PyFunction_GET_CODE(callable))->co_flags;
PyObject *locals = code_flags & CO_OPTIMIZED ? NULL : Py_NewRef(PyFunction_GET_GLOBALS(callable));
_PyInterpreterFrame *new_frame = _PyEvalFramePushAndInit(
    tstate, (PyFunctionObject *)callable, locals,
    args, total_args, NULL

// Consumes arguments from the current frame's value stack
STACK_SHRINK(oparg + 2);

if (new_frame == NULL) {
// Updates the current frame's return offset
frame->return_offset = (uint16_t)(next_instr - this_instr);
// Passes control to the new frame

Simple and easy. Let's move to the next step.

TAIL_CALL interptetier

To create a TAIL_CALL interptetier we are going to change a few things in the regular CALL.

We need to drop the current frame before creating a new call frame. However, because references to arguments are stored in the current dying frame, we need to store them before dropping. And clean them up after creating the new frame.

Let's move to Python/bytecodes.c/_TAIL_CALL.

First, save args. Since CPython uses it's own memory allocator, use PyMem_Malloc to allocate memory.

// Check if the call can be inlined or not
if (Py_TYPE(callable) == &PyFunction_Type &&
    tstate->interp->eval_frame == NULL &&
    ((PyFunctionObject *)callable)->vectorcall == _PyFunction_Vectorcall)
+ PyObject **newargs = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(PyObject*) * (total_args));
+ Py_ssize_t j, n;
+ n = total_args;

+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
+ {
+     PyObject *x = args[j];
+     newargs[j] = x;
+ }

Next, drop the current call frame. The snippet is a copy of the Python/bytecodes.c/POP_FRAME instruction.

+ STACK_SHRINK(oparg + 2);
+ _Py_LeaveRecursiveCallPy(tstate);
+_PyFrame_SetStackPointer(frame, stack_pointer);
+ _PyInterpreterFrame *dying = frame;
+ frame = tstate->current_frame = dying->previous;
+_PyEval_FrameClearAndPop(tstate, dying);
+ LOAD_SP();

Init a new frame using callable and new args.

_PyInterpreterFrame *new_frame = _PyEvalFramePushAndInit(
    tstate, (PyFunctionObject *)callable, locals,
-    args, total_args, NULL
+    newargs, total_args, NULL

Clean up the argument stash:

+ PyMem_Free(newargs);

And pass contoll to the new frame:


Recompile CPython with make regen-cases && make regen-importlib && make -j6 and test the new operator.

Final check

>>> def fact(n, acc):
...    if n == 1:
...        return acc
...    return fact(n-1, acc*n)

>>>fact (1500,1)
