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Works w/ any text editor - future-proof text formats - the free writer's command line tool suite

officetxt library and command line tools - Write Notes, Articles, Journals, Presentations, Websites, Blogs, Manuscripts, Books & More

github: officetxt/officetxt, rubygems: officetxt, rdoc: officetxt

What's Office.TXT?

It's an all-in-one free write's command line tool suite. Command line tools include:

  • officetxt (txt)
  • journaltxt (jo)
  • jekyll
  • drjekyll (drj)
  • mrhyde (mrh)
  • octopod
  • slideshow
  • pluto
  • rougify
  • kramdown
  • w2m
  • quik (qk)


$ officetxt
$ txt

to listed included / installed tools e.g. resulting in:

Welcome to officetxt/0.1.0:

Tool versions installed:

What's Journal.TXT?

Reads Journal.TXT and writes out (auto-builds) a blog (w/ Jekyll posts etc.); learn more journaltxt/journaltxt »

Try on the command line:

$ journaltxt --help
$ jo --help

resulting in:

Usage: journaltxt [OPTS]
    -v, --[no-]verbose               Show debug messages
    -o, --output=PATH                Output path (default: .)
    -n, --name=NAME                  Journal name (default: Journal)
        --[no-]date                  Add date to page title (default: true)
    -h, --help                       Prints this help

What's Slide Show (S9)?

Write your slides / talks / presentations in (plain) text with markdown formatting conventions; free web alternative to PowerPoint and Keynote; learn more slideshow-s9 »

Try on the command line:

$ slideshow help

resulting in:

    slideshow - Slide Show (S9) - a free web alternative to PowerPoint and Keynote in Ruby

    slideshow [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

    -c, --config=PATH - Configuration Path (default: Z:/.slideshow)
    --help            - Show this message
    -q, --quiet       - Only show warnings, errors and fatal messages
    --version         - Display the program version

    about, a           - (Debug) Show more version info
    build, b           - Build slideshow
    help               - Shows a list of commands or help for one command
    install, i         - Install template pack
    list, ls, l        - List installed template packs
    new, n             - Generate quick starter sample
    plugins, plugin, p - (Debug) List plugin scripts in load path
    update, u          - Update shortcut index for template packs 'n' plugins

What's Dr Jekyll?

Lets you manage static website theme packages; learn more drjekyllthemes/drjekyll »

Try on the command line:

$ drjekyll help
$ drj help

resulting in:

    drjekyll - jekyll command line tool .:. the missing static site package manager

    drjekyll [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

    --help    - Show this message
    --version - Display the program version

    download, dl, d, get, g - (Debug) Step 1: Download theme; .zip archive saved
                              in working folder (./)
    help                    - Shows a list of commands or help for one command
    list, ls, l             - List themes
    new, n                  - Download 'n' setup (unzip/unpack) theme
    unpack, pk, p, setup, s - (Debug) Step 2: Setup (unzip/unpack) theme; uses
                              saved .zip archive in working folder (./)

What's Mr Hyde?

Lets you run a static website quick starter wizard script to download and install (unzip/unpack) a theme archive and configure a static website ready-to-use; learn more mrhydescripts/mrhyde »

Try on the command line:

$ mrhyde help
$ mrh help

resulting in:

    mrhyde - jekyll command line tool .:. the static site quick starter script wizard

    mrhyde [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

    --help            - Show this message
    --test, --dry_run - (Debug) Dry run; run script in simulation for testing
    --version         - Display the program version

    help   - Shows a list of commands or help for one command
    new, n - Run static site quick starter script

What's Octopod?

Write your show notes in (plain) text and publish (and sync) your podcasts / radio talk shows; learn more jekyll-octopod »

Brought to you by:

{% include avatar.html handle="haslinger" name="Stefan Haslinger" %}

Try on the command line:

$ octopod --help

resulting in:

Octopod - podcast publishing for geeks

Basic Command Line Usage:
  Standard Jekyll commands:
    octopod b[uild]                                                # . -> ./_site
    octopod build <path to write generated site>                   # . -> <path>
    octopod build <path to source> <path to write generated site>  # <path> -> <path>
    octopod import <importer name> <options>                       # imports posts using named import script
    octopod setup                                                  # Setup blog to become podcast-aware, copy assets and default config
    octopod s[erver]                                               # Starts the server

  Additional Octopod commands:
    octopod episode                                           # adds a template for a new episode
    octopod deploy                                            # deploys your site

  See 'octopod <command> --help' for more information on a specific command.

What's Pluto?

Lets you auto-build web pages from published web feeds; learn more feedreader »

Try on the command line:

$ pluto help

resulting in:

    pluto - another planet generator (lets you build web pages from published web feeds)

    pluto [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

    -c, --config=PATH - Configuration Path (default: Z:/.pluto)
    --help            - Show this message
    -q, --quiet       - Only show warnings, errors and fatal messages
    --version         - Display the program version

    about, a      - (Debug) Show more version info
    build, b      - Build planet
    fetch, f      - Fetch feeds
    help          - Shows a list of commands or help for one command
    install, i    - Install template pack
    list, ls, l   - List installed template packs
    merge, m      - Merge planet template pack
    update, up, u - Update planet feeds

What's Rouge?

Lets you highlight your code; styles are compatible with pygments; learn more jneen/rouge »

Brought to you by:

{% include avatar.html handle="jneen" name="Jeanine Adkisson" %}

Try on the command line:

$ rougify help

resulting in:

usage: rougify [command] [args...]

where <command> is one of:
        highlight       highlight code
        help            print help info
        style           print CSS styles
        list            list available lexers
        version         print the rouge version number

See `rougify help <command>` for more info.

What's Kramdown?

Lets you convert text with markdown formatting conventions to hypertext markup language (html) or latex; learn more kramdown »

Brought to you by:

{% include avatar.html handle="gettalong" name="Thomas Leitner" %}

Try on the command line:

$ kramdown --help

resulting in (note: shortened all options):

Command line options:

    -i, --input ARG
          Specify the input format: kramdown (default), html, GFM or markdown
    -o, --output ARG
          Specify one or more output formats separated by commas: html (default),
          kramdown, latex, pdf, man or remove_html_tags
    -v, --version
          Show the version of kramdown
    -h, --help
          Show the help

kramdown options:

        --auto-id-prefix ARG
          Prefix used for automatically generated header IDs

          Use automatic header ID generation

        --entity-output ARG
          Defines how entities are output

        --footnote-backlink ARG
          Defines the text that should be used for the footnote backlinks

        --footnote-nr ARG
          The number of the first footnote

        --gfm-quirks ARG
          Enables a set of GFM specific quirks

        --header-offset ARG
          Sets the output offset for headers

        --latex-headers ARG
          Defines the LaTeX commands for different header levels

        --line-width ARG
          Defines the line width to be used when outputting a document

        --link-defs ARG
          Pre-defines link definitions

        --math-engine ARG
          Set the math engine

        --smart-quotes ARG
          Defines the HTML entity names or code points for smart quote output

        --syntax-highlighter ARG
          Set the syntax highlighter

        --toc-levels ARG
          Defines the levels that are used for the table of contents

          Transliterate the header text before generating the ID

What's Word-to-Markdown?

Lets you liberate content from Microsoft Word documents; learn more benbalter/word-to-markdown »

Brought to you by:

{% include avatar.html handle="benbalter" name="Ben Balter" %}

Try on the command line:

$ w2m

resulting in:

Usage: w2m path/to/document.docx

What's Quik?

Lets you run quick starter template scripts for scaffolding projects; learn more quikstart/quik »

Try on the command line:

$ quik help
$ qk help

resulting in:

    quik - quick starter template script wizard .:. the missing project scaffolder

    quik [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

    --help            - Show this message
    --test, --dry_run - (Debug) Dry run; run script in simulation for testing
    --version         - Display the program version

    help        - Shows a list of commands or help for one command
    list, ls, l - List quick starter scripts
    new, n      - Run quick starter script