How to run Pl@ntNet identification on a set of images, with or without a ground-truth to assess results quality.
Edit the script before running it. You'll find a few adjustable options at the top of the code.
Add your API key here
Absolute path of the main data folder containing images subfolders (no trailing /
); see "images folder" below
Folder where to place output files (no trailing /
Default value of [ "all" ]
is acceptable for most cases. Add more projects if you wish to compare results: [ "all", "the-plant-list", "weurope" ]
; each image will be identified in every project)
How many possible determinations will you keep in the output table, for every image (highest scores come first)
How many HTTP requests will you make to the Pl@ntNet API at once. Max 10, defaults to 1 (sequential).
Organize your image files in subfolders named after ground truth as show below. Ground truth muth be a binomial name without author, separated by space or underscore. Case does not matter. Subfolders must contain image files in JPEG or PNG format. Image files don't have to be named after ground truth. If a subfolder contains another subfolder (name does not matter), all images contained in the latter will be processed at once, as a multi-image identification request.
| |__DSC00123.jpeg
| |__DSC00124.jpeg
| |__Folder with multiple images
| |__DSC00145.jpeg
| |__flower 1.png
| |__DSC00158.jpeg
|__Acer campestre
| |__Acer_campestre_L._2022-02-18.JPG
| |__other maple pic.png
| |__whatever.jpg
| |__d8614efc6114b6a156a616514e16b151.jpeg
Run code (see below)
Results in CSV format are written to file ./plantnet_benchmark_{date-time}.csv
Benchmark script using Node.js
npm install
nodejs benchmark.js
Benchmark script using R
R version does not support muti-images queries at the moment. Sub-folders inside species-names sub-folders are ignored.
R version is not parallelised at the moment.
Rscript benchmark.R